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The morning started with Felony licking my face to wake me up. It was cute and gross all at the same time. When I woke up I noticed that Blaine was gone from the bed. I got up and shuffled to the kitchen where he was cooking breakfast for Madison.

"She's just really apprehensive Blaine. She does like you though. I can tell. It takes awhile for her because she's so guarded, but it's worth it. She's an amazing person." Madison was saying.

"I really like her too, but I just feel like she might be too good for me." Blaine sighed.

I shook my head and sat the puppy on the floor as I rounded the corner cutting their conversation short. Madison saw me and smiled brightly.

"Morning sleeping beauty!" She sang.


Blaine sat me a plate and smiled my way. I returned the smile and thanked him for the food. We talked about simple subjects. Nothing deep and nothing of substance. Madison was her chipper self and kept the conversation going while Blaine and I just mumbled along mostly just staring at each other.

"I can leave if you guys want?" Madison said suddenly.

"No!" I said louder than I meant. "We should all go do something together."

"We can go bowling?" Blaine offered.

Madison chuckled. "How about a rain check? I'll let you guys talk and we can go bowling tomorrow."

I smiled at my best friend. She's honestly the most amazing person ever. "Sounds good. We'll come pick you up at like two."

She nodded. "Okay."

Once Madison was out the door Blaine took a seat on the couch and patted the spot next to him. I sat down and he put his arm around me drowning me in his scent.

"Tell me about last night?"

Blaine sighed. "I told you Nixon offered me a job, and by that I mean he told me what he needed. I have to do it Brooke. I just don't have a choice."

Looking into his eyes he looked troubled by the whole thing. "What does he have on you?"

"Nothing. He just isn't the kind of guy you tell no." He said.

I knew he was lying no but I dropped it. Blaine was many things but a liar wasn't one of them so if he's lying it must be a good reason.

"Okay." I said tentatively placing my hand in his cheek. "You have to do what you have to do."

Blaine leaned into my touch and turned his face to kiss my palm. "You can do better than me."

I laughed and stood up. "Who said we were a thing?"

He smirked. "You talk about me in your sleep."

"Lies!" I waved my hand actually panicking a little. I mean I do dream about him sometimes.

"Yeah I'm kidding, but I hope some day I won't be." He said.

I smiled and sat down beside him again. I raised my hand and ran it through his perfect hair. He didn't move toward me at all. He sat still and kept his eyes on mine.

"Blaine I'd be a lucky girl if I could love a man like you. I hope some day I can, but today just isn't that day." I said softly.

"You're worth the wait Brooke."

I stopped touching him and pulled my hands into my lap. "I hope you're right."

"I have to start tonight. I have to go to The Glades and watch someone." He said.

"Does doing this break your parole?" I asked suddenly.

He shook his head no. "No, to my knowledge what I'm going to be doing puts me in no danger of any kind."

"Other than Nixon's." I sighed.

"Don't do that." Blaine lifted my chin with his fingers to make me look at him. "Don't worry okay? I got this."

I nodded knowing it was a lie. I was fucking scared for him. I knew there was more he wasn't telling me. That's why tonight when he goes to The Glades, I'm going to follow his ass.

At a quarter past midnight I heard Blaine leave. I hopped out of bed and hurried down the hall. Felony yapped at me and I shushed him. I locked the door behind me and took my keys. Following Blaine was easy since I knew where he was headed. I hung back so he wouldn't see me.

When he got into The Glades he parked on the street. I circled the block and parked around the corner. Getting out of my car I locked the doors and turned to walk. When I turned though I was met with the barrel of a gun.

"Nice to see you again." Nixon smiled a toothy grin at me. "Follow me."

I did as he said since he did have a fucking gun after all. He led me down the block and around the corner to where Blaine was leaning against his car. When we neared him Nixon cleared his throat.

"You're late Ni-" Blaine cut off staring at me very confused. "Brooke?"

"I told you she'd come." Nixon laughed.

"What the hell is going on here?" I demanded. "You said you were watching someone."

"I am!" Blaine groaned.

"You were." Nixon corrected. "Now you're going to kill him."

"No!" I gasped.

Nixon turned and yanked me to his chest holing the gun to my head. "And if you don't then I'll blow her brains out. The choice is yours."

"I'll do it." Blaine said looking at me as tears fell from my eyes. "Just don't hurt her."

Nixon kept the gun on me the whole time. I was so worried about Blaine. What if the person he was after was dangerous? Then I heard a loud bang from a gun. I don't know who or why, but someone was killed that night. It could have been me, but it wasn't.

Once Blaine came back he handed the gun Nixon had given him back and I was released. Blaine hugged me tight whispering that it'd all be okay as I cried into his shirt. He was wrong though nothing was alright about this. After tonight nothing was going to be alright because I realized that I was in love with a boy who was nothing but bad for me.

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