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After a few Southern Bells I was shooting pool with the towns most questionable character. Nixon seemed like a decent person honestly. A little shady sure, but dangerous? Not so much. He was telling me some crazy stories about some of the people he does business with.

"Everyone thinks Glenn Hanson is such a stand up guy, but they'd be shocked to know he cheats on his perfect wife every Thursday in this very bar." Nixon told me.

"Glenn Hanson? As in Judge Glenn Hanson?" I asked taking my shot in pool never even bothering to sit my drink down.

"That's right Brooke." Nixon gave me a sideways smile. "Not everyone is what you see in public. It's who they are behind closed doors that really matters darling."

I pondered what he said as the alcohol started working it's magic. My body started to feel warm and tingly all over. I finished off my fourth drink and signaled for another at the bar. The fifth drink I had was taken from my hand as soon as it touched my fingertips.

"You've had enough." Blaine said sternly to me as he gave me a meaningful look.

Nixon sighed. "He's right love. You two should get going. I have some business to attend to anyway. Please drop in again sometime though. I had a great time getting to just hang out."

"Anytime!" I was yelling for no apparent reason. "It was a blast Nix!"

He chuckled and nodded to Blaine. "Take care of her. I like this one."

I wouldn't bet on it but I think I heard Blaine say, "me too."

There was some mild arguing in the parking lot but after it was all said and done I was strapped into the passenger seat. I was lolling my head side to side watching the trees as Blaine drove. The radio was on low playing some country song by Chris Young I think, and he was talking but I was too drunk to care.

"I love your hair." I slurred drunkenly as I looked at him. "It's so sexy."

Blaine stopped talking and gripped the wheel tighter. He didn't say a word. The only noise was the hum of the car and the radio playing now. I sighed still staring at him trying to focus. Everything was so fuzzy. It was like trying to see through a glass of milk.

"You're so nice too Blaine. Thank you for letting me stay with you." I blinked my eyes then slammed them open with an idea. "We should get a puppy! I think I'd like a puppy. We can name him whatever you want."

Blaine was laughing a little now. "A puppy huh?"

"Yes!" I smiled happily. "It would have eyes like yours. Pretty and hard to look away from." His laugh only grew as I kept talking. I just couldn't shut up though. It was like I was on auto pilot. "You know I think you should laugh more. It's nice to be around you when you're like this."

"You're too drunk Brooke." He said between laughter.

"Why don't you drink?" I asked when he parked the car in his usual spot right next to mine.

"I haven't drank since after the accident." He said opening his door.

I nodded even though he was out of the car. I guess I understand his reason. Not drinking after he lost someone close to him was smart. He'd be like me if he had drank. It's an addiction that sucks you in. Once you start using it as a way to cope it becomes a reoccurring solution to any problem.

"Come on Brooke." Blaine was holding my door open waiting for me to get out. "Do I need to carry you?"

I shook my head standing up and stumbling a bit. "I'm fine."

He watched me carefully but didn't touch me as I drunkenly found my way to the elevator. We rode up to his floor without a single word. Once we were inside I kicked off my shoes and landed my ass on the couch. Blaine shook his head and flipped on some lights.

"Comfortable?" He asked.

"It'd be better if it wasn't ten degrees in here!" I complained.

"I can turn the air off?"

I shook my head. "No just bring me a blanket."

A few seconds later a plushy blue blanket was in my lap. "Better?" Blaine asked once I had it secured around my body.

"Lay with me?" I asked looking up at him through my eyelashes. "Please?"

I heard him mumble something under his breath and then he sighed sounding defeated. He slid onto the couch next to me and rolled so he was behind me and I was cradled against his chest. With him and the blanket both wrapped around me I was more comfortable than I had been in a long time.

"Thank you Blaine." I mumbled sleepily.

"You're welcome Brooke." He sighed as he started to play with my hair.

I was almost completely out when he spoke again. At first I thought I might be dreaming. I don't think he knew I was still awake. Honestly, I didn't know what to say back. So, I said nothing at all. I just let him talk.

"You deserve better than me Brooke. I hope you realize that. I'm selfish to want you in my life. Hell I haven't even told you all the truth. If you knew what I'd done you'd already be gone. Having you here though, it makes me think I could be better than what I was then. You make me want to be better Brooke." He was still stroking my hair as he talked. "When I was seven years old my mom had a baby girl. She was perfect just like my mom, but sadly my mom died during the labor. Then three days later the baby died too. It destroyed my dad. He lost not only the woman he loved but also a child. I can't begin to understand what he went through. After that though it was mostly just me and my brother. Dad was never around and if he was he couldn't stand to look at us."

When he stopped talking I thought maybe he was crying. Hell I was almost in tears. Then he held me closer against his body. His voice was softer this time when he spoke. "I can't pretend to imagine what you've been through either Brooke, but I promise you that if you ever want to tell me that I'll listen. From here on out I won't let anything bad happen to you. You mean a lot to me. I don't think you need someone to protect you, but if you do then I'll be right here."

His words were comforting and a little suffocating at the same time. I'm glad he wanted me around but what if I decide I want to leave. Would he let me go? I think he would. After this though. I don't know that I'd ever want to leave right here. This moment was almost perfect. If only I was sober enough to remember it in the morning.

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