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This is so not fun anymore! It's been all of a day and a half and Blaine is insane. He gets up ridiculously early to go jog and work out. Then he makes the worlds loudest noises while making his stupid protein shakes. Ugh! I never thought I would want Monday to come sooner. The boy is annoying.

"Morning Brooke!" He sang cheerfully as I drug myself into the kitchen.

I mumbled a good morning I think, and grabbed an apple from the counter. Today was only Sunday and I was awake at the ungodly hour of six in the morning. For Christ sake the sun wasn't even up yet. I chewed my apple and sat down on the couch facing Blaine. I watched him dry his face with a towel from the kitchen since he was all sweaty. I assume from his early morning run. Then he grabbed his already made shake and joined me on the couch.

"You're up early." He said.

"Yeah well when my roommate uses the blinder at the crack of dawn it's a bit hard to stay asleep." I grumbled eating my apple.

"Sorry." He laughed a little. "I'm not used to having to be quiet in my own house."

I shrugged it off starting to wake up a little more. "Who even wants to run this early?"

"I like running. It clears my mind and I like to start my day with a clear head." He explained.

"Hey, I like running as much as the next guy but I don't get up before the sun for anything." I laughed.

"Not even for me?" Blaine batted his eyes teasingly at me.

"Not even on your best day Hot Shot." I grabbed his shake and took a drink. I scrunched up my nose making him bust out laughing. "This tastes like ass!"

"Well it isn't supposed to taste good Brooke." He kept laughing.

"I thought you said they were strawberry or something?" I gagged.

"Yeah, there's strawberries in it. Along with a bunch of other stuff." He took it back downing the rest. "So what do you wanna do today?"

"I get to pick?" I asked leaning down to search the fridge for something to drink that tasted a bit better.

I felt him move close behind me making me feel all tingly. Then he reached around me and picked up a water handing it to me. "Sure anything you want." As he spoke his breath hit my neck.

I shivered making him chuckle. When I turned to face him he was just as close as I figured he'd be. I'm sure me cheeks were as red as the bottle of ketchup on the top shelf of his still open fridge. I couldn't think of anything I wanted to do. Other than him of course.

"Well, uh, what do you usually do?"

He chuckled and stepped back a bit from me. "I work out and play pool at the bar Nixon owns across town."

"I like to play pool." I said before I could stop myself.

"You wanna go to Nixon's bar and play pool with me?" He asked. "I let you pick anything you want and that's what you decide on."

"Sure, why not."

"Normal girls want to go shopping or watch movies and you want to go play pool in a bar." He shook his head. "Where have you been all my life?"

I got a shower and took my time getting ready. Dressed in tight dark wash jeans and a baby blue tank top I applied some makeup and did my hair. After putting on some Converse shoes I met Blaine in the living room. He insisted we eat before we go to the bar so he cooked, and then finally we were on our way.

The bar was small and dodgey looking from the outside, and not much better on the inside. In the front room there was the bar and a live band playing. Then in the back was two pool tables and some regular tables where people were sitting. For only five in the evening this place was pretty busy.

"I got the first round." I said pulling a dollar from my pocket.

"As if." Blaine rolled his eyes and put his own money in the table. The pool balls rolled out and he racked. "You break Sweetheart."

After about three games Blaine quit letting me win. He was amazing at pool actually. He was doing trick shots and jumping over balls to make shots. God, he's a show off. I found myself starring at his muscled arms flexing as he shot. I also noticed all the female attention he was getting from other girls in the bar. I wouldn't say it made me jealous. I mean after all he was with me, and at the end of the night he's going home with me.

"Blaine King!" The voice made me jump almost. I spun around in time to see Nixon Hanley himself heading straight for us. He had a friendly smile on his face when he got to us. Blaine stuck his hand out shaking Nixon's. "How the hell ya been?"

"Been alright." Blaine smiled dropping his hand and sliding his arm around my waist protectively. "This is Brooke."

"Nice to meet you Brooke. I'm Nixon." He held his hand out to me.

I let him shake my hand holding his icy blue gaze the whole time. "Nice to meet you too."

"I believe we've met before?" Nixon cocked his head to the side. "You work for one of my businesses I think."

"I work for Frank at the skate shop." I nodded. "I'm surprised you remember meeting me."

"I remember everyone I encounter." He smiled. "Now how's a pretty thing like you end up in one of my bars with this tool?" He looked to Blaine teasingly.

"Bad luck." I laughed.

Blaine chuckled too. "We should get going."

"Nonsense!" Nixon raised his hand to the bartender. "What do you want to drink Brooke?"

"Really we sho-" I cut Blaine off.

"Southern Comfort in anything or straight, doesn't matter either way."

"Nothing for you Blaine as usual?" Nixon asked.

Blaine shook his head and looked at me in confusion. "You drink?"

"You don't?" I asked back.

"Not anymore." He shook his head. "I can't have it in my system when I test for my P.O."

"I started when I was thirteen." I shrugged. "I like the way it makes me feel."

"So a Southern Bell for the lady and a coke for you?" Nixon asked.

I nodded and he disappeared. Blaine grabbed my hand and sighed looking into my eyes. "We should really go."

"Why? He seems nice."

"He is nice. I just think it's a bad idea to drink with him. The whole time I worked for him I saw him maybe ten times. So I guess I'm just uncomfortable."

"Well get comfortable, because I want to stay." I said confidently. "I'm having fun."

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