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I stayed home from school to take care of Blaine. He's fine but sore. The blood in the kitchen stained the floor but it wasn't too bad. The hall was way worse.

"We could run away." He hummed as I played with his hair since his head was in my lap. "Maybe go to the beach."

"Yeah salt water would be great for the gunshot wound." I rolled my eyes.

"Maybe not then." He shrugged.

"Didn't you say your brother was a lawyer? We could call him." I suggested.

"He has a wife, and kids. I refuse to drag him into this too." Blaine shook his head.

"Then what the hell are we going to do!" I demanded. "I'm not going to live like this."

"Graduation is only a month away. You can go away to college, and this won't be your problem anymore." He shrugged as if that was the only logical option.

"Is that what you think? That I'll leave first chance I get?" I gave him a stupid look.

"Why wouldn't you? Hell I'm nothing but trouble." He chuckled humorlessly.

"Yeah, sure whatever, but you're cute." I pinched his cheek.

He batted my hand away. "Shut up."

"Seriously though what are we going to do?" I sighed.

"Maybe I should just do the stupid job for him and end this."

"Absolutely not!" I snapped. "I think maybe we should talk to Trent and Paul."

"That's just more people who can talk to the cops Brooke." He sighed. "Let's talk about this later? I kinda just want to lay here, and not be stressed out."

I dropped it for now. Just sitting there with him was nice. I enjoy being with him and I'm totally falling for him, but we need to figure this out before he gets hurt any worse.

When nighttime rolled around I told him I was walking Felony and I'd be right back. We were going to order Chinese food and watch a scary movie when I got home. I hurried the pup outside and down the block. Felony bounced along beside me yapping at cats and rustling bags as the wind blew.

"It's a dark night buddy." I knelt down and patted his head. "We should head back."

I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up as Felony let out a low growl. I stood up fast and looked around. There was nothing I could see though. I was going to shine my phones light to see, but I realized I forgot it at home.

"Felony stop that." I hushed him.

He growled again and looked up at me. Then he looked back into the alley across the street from us. I decided I'd had enough and pulled his leash to start back home. We were almost there when I was yanked backwards by my hair. Felony's leash slipped from my fingers and he took off running toward our building. Some watch dog he was!

"You're coming with us!" I felt the strangers hot breath hit my face as he drug me into my he street.

"Screw you!" I was fighting the whole time. Pulling against him and letting my whole weight fall on him. "Let me go!"

"Shut up." He slapped me hard and I tasted blood in my mouth. "Nixon wants you alive so don't make me kill you."

So Nixon wanted me. First he shoots Blaine, and now he kidnaps me. Why though? All for some job. This is complete anarchy!

I was shoved in a car that smelled like old cheese. Then as I fought with the guy he managed to zip tie my hands together. The plastic was cutting my skin so I quit fighting. Maybe I could just talk this out with Nixon.

The car was driven to the Glades and parked in a dumpy garage. The asshole who took me gripped my upper arm and yanked me out of the car letting me fall to the concrete. My knees were scraped and I hit my head since my hands were currently useless.

"What the fuck!" I demanded.

"I figured you could walk on your own." He shrugged helping my ass up. "Now let's hurry along before I put you in a box and mail you to that boyfriend of yours in pieces."

I rolled my eyes and stumbled along through the darkness of the building. The man opened a door and rushed me into a room where Nixon was leaned against a wall with a cigarette pressed between his lips.

"Miss Sinner, how pleasant to see you." He smirked.

"Let me go!" I shouted earning another smack upside the head. It was so hard it made my ears ring. "Fuck! When I get my hands free I'm gonna rip off your balls."

"Such rude language from a lady." Nixon put out his cigarette and crossed the room. "Do you know why you're here?"

"Because you're some kind of a sadistic fuck?"

He chuckled. "I liked you the minute I met you Brooke. Blaine did too and I could see it. He hadn't looked at someone the way he looks at you since, well you know. Anyway this is posing a problem for me."

"How so? Because he won't kill for you anymore?" I asked my ears finally allowing me to hear fully again.

"Precisely. He doesn't do as I ask and I think it has a lot to do with that mouth of yours." He got close to me and gripped my hair pulling me forward. "So I'm going to offer him some incentive."

I yelped in pain as He ripped a handful of hair out of my skull. "Fuck!"

"Robert silence her and put her in the back room. Don't kill her though. We need her alive, for now." Nixon said putting my hair in a bag. "Pray that boy loves you Brooke or you'll be dead by morning."

With the he was gone and I was drug into a room with no windows. Robert sat me in a chair and lit a candle to light the room then left me alone locking the door behind him. Things are about to get interesting...

A/N: I haven't had time to edit anything recently so sorry if this sucks! Thanks for the support though and I love you all. Please like and comment💕

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