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Waking up on a couch isn't my ideal on a Monday morning. Neither is sweating to death. Fuck why can't I move? What time is it? Shit! It was after eleven! I looked over my shoulder and saw Blaine sleeping peacefully. Carefully I moved out of his arms and stood on my own feet. I caught sight of myself in the hall mirror and cringed.

Once I was in the bathroom I hurried through a shower and brushed my teeth. The taste of stale alcohol wasn't one I enjoy. After I finished up I shut out the lights and went back into the living room where I found Blaine now sitting up watching tv.

"I called the school and told them you were sick." He said not even looking at me. "I figure you'd be pretty hung over. Advil is in the drawer by the microwave."

"I'm not hung over." I laughed. "I haven't had a hangover since I was like sixteen. Thanks though."

"You gonna try to make it to your last classes then, or just ditch out?"

"Well since you already called me off I guess I'll just skip." I shrugged. "Did you run this morning? I didn't hear you get up."

He shook his head no. "I just woke up when you were in the shower."

I didn't know how to not be awkward now. I mean nothing happened but I was still just uncomfortable. Not knowing what to say I just said nothing. Neither did Blaine though. It was a defining silence.

"Brooke?" Blaine finally broke it letting my name roll off his tongue.

"Yeah?" I looked over at him.

"When did you start drinking?"

I sighed sitting down next to him. "I was probably thirteen the first time I drank. Maybe younger honestly, but I don't really recall. My life was shit and I wanted to cope. Some older kids I used to hang out with said it would help, and for awhile it really did. Then when the thing with Zac happened I cooled it for some time. Now I just drink every once in awhile."

He bobbed his head. "I used to drink a lot. After the accident though I got straight. I didn't want anything to risk anyone else's lives."

"I never drive if I drink. The only person who's life I risk is my own."

Blaine grabbed my hand. "Your life means a lot to me, okay? So be careful Brooke."

"What is this talk about right now?"

"Nixon isn't a good person. I know I said I wasn't supposed to talk about him, but I don't want you around him. Not in the bar or anywhere else. He's trouble and for me he's much more. He'd do anything to hurt me after some things that happened even if we did part on okay terms. That means now that he knows you mean something to me that he might try to hurt you, and I want to be honest so you're aware of the possibility." He told me.

"Possibility that Nixon will what? Hurt me?" I asked frowning. "He seemed nice last night."

"It's all an act Brooke!" Blaine raised his voice then immediately sighed. "Sorry, it's just that I want to keep you safe. My past is going to come back to haunt me though."

"What happened Blaine?" I asked.

"I-I can't tell you."

"That's bullshit! If I might get hurt I at least should get to know why." I raised my voice making him widen his eyes.

"Fine." He sighed. "When I was sixteen I started working for Nixon. He thought I was a smart kid and he wanted me to do some accounting shit for him. So I did. It was mob connected I think honestly. After that he didn't call me in or anything so I assumed my job was over. Next thing I knew he sent two guys to kick my ass. They pulled me into an alley when I was walking home one night and told me I better show up at work. After that they worked me over and left me bleeding out. A few days later school let out and I went to Nixon."

"What happened?"

Blaine rolled up his sweats past his knee showing off a decent sized scar. "I told him I wanted no part of anything illegal and he shot me in the fucking knee. Then he told me I'd do what he asked or I'd take the fall."

"Oh my God! Why didn't you go to the cops?" I asked.

"Yeah because the cops are so on the up and up." He rolled his eyes. "I just did what he said for awhile. He paid so good it was almost worth it. I got this place, and my car. He bought me booze and drugs all the time. I was king of the castle of my high school. Then the crash happened. After that he came and saw me before my trial. He offered me the best lawyer he could get, and I turned him down. I blamed him for my stupid mistakes. Then when I got out of the pin he called me and got me the job with Frank."

"You did drugs?"

"I used to do a lot of messed up shit. I'm not proud of it but it did happen." He nodded.

"So if Nixon was so nice why do you think he would hurt me?" I asked. "I mean guys who want to hurt you don't help you out typically."

"Brooke I worked for him. I know how he plays people. He makes you think you're in so tight, and the next thing you know he snaps his fingers and someone burns your house to the ground with you inside it." He glanced up into my eyes. "I don't want anything bad to happen to you because of me."

I shook my head. "Plenty of bad things have happened to me and none of them are your fault."

"Thanks." He smiled.

"For what?" I asked.

"Not leaving yet." He laughed. "I sure as hell thought you would."

"Guess you're pretty lucky then, huh?"

"I'm starting to think I am." He stood up and held his hand out to me. "Come on let's get some breakfast."

"It's after noon Blaine." I pointed out as he drug me to his kitchen.

"It's never too late for pancakes!"

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