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It was Friday and I rode to school with Trent and Paul. I hadn't seen Blaine all day. He wasn't in gym class or behind the building during third period. I was starting to wonder if he was standing me up on our not date, date. I was thinking about starting to look for Madison to get a ride home actually. Blaine reminded me again after work last night even, that he was going to pick me up out front after classes.

The last bell rang and I got my stuff from my locker with minimal harassment from Madison. She demanded I call as soon as I get home and give her all the details even though it wasn't a date. I just agreed to make my life easier. Once I closed my locker I headed out front. As soon as I walked out the doors I saw his car.

I had no idea what Blaine drove but somehow I knew it was his. Parked on the sidewalk was a very nice blue 2003 model Trans Am. It was a gorgeous car. He got out and gave me a nod with his ray bands covering his eyes. His arms crossed on the hood making him look way hotter than I would ever admit.

"Thought you were gonna stand me up." I said when I reached the passenger side of the car.

"Never!" He said as a grin broke over his face. "Now get in or we'll be late."

"The baseball game doesn't start until four." I rolled my eyes opening the door.

"I wasn't talking about the game." He said then he ducked inside the car closing the door behind him.

I got in and knew it wouldn't matter how many times I asked him, because he wasn't going to tell me where he was taking me now. Call me reckless but I honestly didn't care. I was kind of nervous but I wasn't too worried about my safety. Blaine drove off the sidewalk and honked at some of the people lingering in the lot. Then he just focused on driving . The car was a standard shift which was a shame because if it wasn't I'd have loved to drive it sometime.

"This is a really nice car." I said breaking the silence.

"Um, thanks." He kind of laughed. "Aren't you gonna ask where I'm taking you?"

"I figured you won't tell me anyway, so no."

He nodded his head and glanced over at me. " You drive that black Mustang right?"

"Yeah I have a thing for fast cars." I smiled.

"Bet your dad loves that." he chuckled.

"Um I actually haven't seen my dad since I was about seven years old." I said truthfully.

He looked to see if I was kidding. When he saw I wasn't he started to say sorry but I cut him off telling him it was not a big deal. Soon after that he pulled into a parking spot at the deserted skate park downtown.

"I thought we'd kill some time and you could show me those mad skills you claim to have." he said shutting off the car.

"I don't have a board." I laughed.

"Yeah but you can use mine." he reached behind my seat and pulled up a board smacking the back of my head in the process. "Shit, I'm sorry!"

I bust out laughing. "Real smooth King."

"I wasn't trying to be smooth. I swear it was an accident." he was laughing too.

We got out and I stripped off my jacket. I threw it in the car and joined him by the ramp. He went first doing some pretty basic moves. Once he finished he gave me the board and waved his arm as if to say, go ahead. I hopped on and let the wind blow my hair back from my face. I did all the same things he did perfectly. No better and certainly no worse.

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