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Haruhi and I were late the next day, cause someone was studying, and wouldn't stop no matter how much I told them we had to get going. That is, until the bell rang. "I told you haruhi, you can study at your house. Now like I've been trying to tell you for the past..." I looked at the clock. "twenty-ish minutes, we have to go!" I scolded her as she packed up her stuff. 

"I get it, I get it. Let's just go already!" 

"Race ya?"

"Oh you're on!" She said as she started running, and I bolted to catch up. Luckily the halls were mostly empty so we had no trouble racing one another. I jumped the stairs two at a time, almost tripping at least once, before the end was in sight. I reached out to touch the door, but she opened it right before I could. I fell flat on my face, a look of pure shock and a scream that sounded vaguely like a bird came from my mouth as I fell. The twins chuckled. 

"You guys are so late, but that just made the entire wait worth it!" One of them said, as the other clutched his stomach. 

"What even was that?!"

"We were late, so y/n decided we should have a race. Since I got here a second before her, I opened the door."

"Meanie." I pout from the ground. 

"Are you going to get up any time soon?"

"Nah, I think I'll just stay here till I die." I chuckle. 

"Y/n, come on!"

"Make me." I felt haruhi try to pull me up, and failing miserably since I'm much heavier set than her. 

"Mori senpai, can you help please?"

"Sure." He walked over and picked me up like I weighed nothing, slinging me over his soulder, before turning around, and placing me on the floor. I looked at him in awe. 

"What the hell do I weigh to you, a couple of grapes?!"

"Pretty much." 

"Anyways, as amusing as that was, you two need to get dressed." I looked around. 

"What's with the tropics?"

"I could be wrong, but my calendar says it's early spring." 

"No, I checked it too. It's barely march." 

"Do you two have a problem with how we run our club? Remember, you owe us 8 million yen." 

"How much is that in usd?" I muttered to myself as I did the math. It's not my strongest subject, and I started absent-mindedly counting on my fingers, before kyoya spoke. 

"56,547.29 dollars." Kyoya said seeing as I was having trouble figuring it out. "I can see now why you're here on a more art based scholarship."

"Hey! I just suck at math!" 

"Either way, you both need to get dressed. We're opening in a few minutes!" I went over to the changing rooms, seeing haruhi follow, before seeing what she was set to wear, and nopeing right out. I just changed into my maid outfit, and went to the kitchen, humming slightly, while listening to the hosts conversation. Tamaki was going on about how men didn't bundle up in bulky clothes, and how good their heating system was. I began to tune it out as I worked on the few dishes that had piled up from honey senpai already, before getting everything out. 

I heard the doors open, and guests come in, and I stopped humming to myself and my soulmate, before heading out to see everyone, with a tray of tea with me. "What can I get you ladies?" I asked, and they looked at me. Most just went for tea, while others got a small sweet to go with them. Only a handful thanked me though. Overall, other than news of a party going on, nothing much happened, and before I knew it, we were all changing back into our normal clothes, and I was ready to leave. Mori looked like he was waiting on something, but I didn't ask what. if he wanted to chare, he would. It wasn't my business to pry. 

The voice (mori x reader soulmate au)Where stories live. Discover now