Cherry blossoms

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Today, we were outside doing some cherry blossom viewing, while I was in my usual outfit serving tea with some of the other hosts today. I was serving tea near the third years, when mori came up to me. "Oh! Sorry, do you need anything?" He said nothing, and plucked something out of my hair. 

It was a full cherry blossom in my hair. I blushed a little and smiled as he brushed my hair back and placed it behind my ear. "Aww, thank you!" He smiled a little and we heard a crash. We both snapped our heads to the right, to see hikaru with kaouru's finger in his mouth. I went over, to hear something about being more careful. 

"Ah! I can't look, it's too overwhelming!"

"You have to look, this might be your only chance! Who knows when it might happen again!" 

"You are absolutely right madam. All beauty is fleeting. Just take a look at these cherry blossoms. You'll never see them this vibrant again. And that's why, I've compiled this picture book that captures the photos of each passing day. Incidentally, I've prepared photobooks of the other hosts as well. And if you ladies are interested in collecting all four of them, I'll discount the whole set for you." 

"I'll take one!"

"Me too please!" 

"Well now we knowhow the club makes extra money."

"But I have to wonder."

"When did he have time to take photos of us?" 

"Who knows." I shrugged and went back to serving people. I noticed honey senpai about to cry, and sat down next to him. I noticed he over did his tea ceremony, something I don't really understand, but whatever. "Do you want me to get you some more? I think we still have some." He leaned into me and hugged me, and I patted his head. 

"Honey I'll take it!" A girl said, taking the bowl. "It looks so yummy!"

"It's just enough for both of us! Any more would be too much. How did you know, you never cease to amaze me!" He cheered up and let go of me, turning to the girls. I could tell he was smiling the whole time while tearing up a little bit. I have no idea how he does that, but we like to do things like this together. What can I say? It's fun! 

"Really?" He sat on my lap, adjusting himself between mori and I. The girls looked at us, and cooed a little. 

"Aww, you guys look like a little family!" I blushed, and laughed a bit. I think mori was a bit embarrassed too, but he's better at covering it up. 

"Thank you girls, but I'd better get back to what I was doing." Honey pouted a little, and mori looked at me. "Oh what the heck, I'll stay for a little longer." Haruhi got up and left, walking around a bit before eventually talking to tamaki senpai. 

"So tell me something about you girls?" I asked, wanting to strike up conversation. They told me a little about themselves before I was pulled away by the twins, rather forcefully. 

"So haruhi, y/n, have you chosen your elective courses for this term?" 

"How about conversational French?"

"I dunno."

"I'd rather not. I already know two languages and it was hard enough to learn Japanese. I still have trouble with the kanji if I'm honest." 

"I think the four of us should take it together. I mean it makes perfect sense since we are in the same class." They glared at tamaki senpai, and I shrugged. 

"I have enough trouble reading the written language here. I think I'll keep working on the written language here before I move onto another language. besides, I'm taking some advanced literature classes for my scholarship." 

"Oh yeah, you want to be an author, right?"

"You know it. Every month, I have to submit to the headmaster a chapter of a book I created myself. If it all goes good, I'll be published by the time I'm out of high school." I said proudly. 

"Impressive." We were ignoring tamaki's yelling, until he pulled haruhi by the shoulders. 

 "Listen haruhi, I want you to stop hanging out with those shady twins from now on!" 

"Who are you calling shady?!"

"Yeah take a good look at yourself boss!" 

 "Yes, that's it. Alright then, we can't go on hiding the fact that your a girl from everyone any longer! All daddy wants if for you to go back to being the girl you used to be! Surrounding yourself with girlfriends and start leading a wholesome life! So do it, change back now!"

"Who are you calling 'daddy'?"

"You don't have to rush things, she's going to be found out soon enough."

"Physical exams are the day after tomorrow."

"Physical exams?" 

"That's right, I forgot all about it."

"Then that means, there's no doubt, they're gonna know that I'm really a girl."  

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