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The next day, like expected, mori and I went home separately, while we got ready. He said nice, but I wasn't sure how nice, so I had an idea. You see, I have a couple of corsets in a few different colors, since hey, I like them, and they make me feel good! Anyways, I went for a simpler but nice look. I put on a button down shirt that was white, and put on my f/c corset over it. I put on some thick tights, since its still chilly outside before adding a black jean skirt. By itself it looks nice. Add a jacket and it looks a bit more casual. Finish it off with some heels and boom, perfect first date outfit perfect to keep warm in early spring. 

I put on a little light makeup in nude-ish colors, and brushed my teeth again. Combing out my hair and adding some gold colored jewelry I packed my purse. I took my meds early (Minus my sleeping pill) so I wouldn't have to take them on the date, and made sure I had the necessities. Keys, wallet, phone, lipstick (Or lip gloss, you decide) along with mints, and I was ready to go. Good thing too, since just as I was going down, I heard the doorbell ring. I hurried so I'd be there first, but my brother was already opening it.

He was greeted by mori standing there in semi-casual attire, since he had a dress shirt and pants on, and I sighed knowing I likely didn't underdress for where we were going. "Who are you?" He asked, as I tried to push past him. He held me away, and I huffed. 

"Morinozuka takashi. I'm here for y/n?"

"Child, you know this guy?" I rolled my eyes. 

"Yes! He's the guy I was telling you guys about last night! Were you even listening? I told you I'm going on a date."

"'With your soulmate'" He quoted teasingly and I stuck out my tongue at him. He's home for a short break at his collage, and it's been bicker after bicker between us. You know, usual sibling stuff. "Yeah yeah, have fun." He finally let me go, and I smiled. 

"Thanks bubs."

"What time will you guys be back?"

"Nine or ten." He replied. 


"I already took my meds, yes." 

"Good. I'll be here to tease you when you get back." He chuckled, a smirk on his face. 

"Oh go play Minecraft with your buds, or something." I told him, before I shut the door on my brother, and mori and I went to his car. I was smiling a little though. We may bicker a lot, but we still care, and I know he's trying to look out for me in his own way. 

"You two always like that?"

"When he's home, yeah. most of the time we're just teasing though. It's not often we get into a real fight." He nodded and started the car. 

"You look nice." He said, and I blushed a little. I smiled. 

"Thank you! You do too." He put some music on, and I smiled wider. It was one of my favorite songs but of course he likely knew that. Still I sang along with the music, and he did the same. 

"The secret side of me, I never let you see, I keep it caged but I can't control it. So stay away from me! The beast is ugly, I feel the rage but I can't control it."

"It's scratching on the walls-" He sang and I did the back up

"In the closet in the halls"

"It comes awake and I can't control it. Hiding under the bed-"

"In my closet in my head."

"Why won't somebody come and save me from this? Make it end!" We sang the next part together instead of alternating. 

"I feel it deep within! It's just beneath the skin! I must confess that I feel like a monster! I hate what I've become! The nightmare's just begun! I must confess that I feel like a monster! I, I feel like a monster! I, I feel like a monster!" We both smiled, just having fun singing along to the music. It felt amazing to be able to jam out with someone with similar taste in music. 

Too soon though, we got to a nice restaurant and got out of the car. It looked moderately fancy, but not too much so that I felt like I underdressed. It looked like a nice Italian place to me, but I couldn't say I recognized it. Then again, since moving here four years ago, I haven't looked into any fine dining establishments so that wasn't much of a surprise. He opened the door for me, and I gently grabbed his hand. 

"Reservation for morinozuka?" He asked the guy at the front, who looked at his list and lead us to a table by the window. I looked around in awe of the beautiful chandeliers and atmosphere of the place. In my head I was using words to describe it like I would when writing a book. Pure, light, airy, elegant were all words that came to mind with it. Warm was another. It was fancy, but still had a welcome feel, like stepping into a friends house for the millionth time. it was pleasant to say the least. 

We sat down and the waiter gave us some water before I looked at the menu, then I looked at the band playing light and soft music. They sounded like their words were floating on air. "So what made you choose this place?" I asked, curious.

"It was a quieter place. I thought you might enjoy a place that didn't have a lot of commotion."

"I do, but how could you tell?"

"You flinch around sudden things." I was a little taken aback. 

"You noticed something as little as that?" He nods. "Wow. I'm impressed. I wouldn't have noticed personally, but then again, I'm oblivious to most things."

"You two ready to order?" The waiter asked, coming up to us. I look at him and he nods. 

"I'll have f/f please."


"Coming right up." Mori isn't a man of many words, so I figured he'd appreciate some silence. That is until he spoke again. 

"Favorite movie?" My eyes lit up and I started talking about my all time favorite movie, what I liked about it, and things like that, while he made comments on it, and talked about his which was surprisingly tim burtons alice in wonderland. (If you two have the same favorite, just imagine you're both talking about how much you love it.) Soon we switched to series, and books. I discussed the novel I'm working on for my creative writing class that had been in the works for a few months before school started. He listened, and seemed impressed that I was taking on such a big project as a novice writer. Soon enough though, we were driving back to my place, and the night was over. 

"I had such a great time tonight! Thank you so much for taking me out like this! But next time, I'll choose where we go, okay? We can alternate!" He nodded, and kissed my forehead. He gave one of his rare smiles, and walked me up to the door. 

"I'll see you at school tomorrow." I nodded, and gave him a quick hug, before going inside. 

The voice (mori x reader soulmate au)Where stories live. Discover now