Bonus Chapter (April & James)🌹

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The night of the Concert: What happened between April & James.

"So why does your pride make you run and hide?"

Chapter Theme Song: 'I Will Wait For You' by Elliot Yamin.


🥀Third Person🥀

April's phone vibrates against her hip as she's busy chatting with Tia and Yuna in the hallways of the Auditorium. The concert has ended an hour ago, Harmony went to speak with her Mom, Blaze vanished into thin air, and the night is still young so she has no plans of heading back to the dorms this soon. With her beam still dancing across her face, she retrieves her phone from her silver clutch, unlocking the screen to see a message from James.

She swallows audibly as her eyes follow the words on her screen.

James: Can we talk outside?

She lifts her head and positions her gaze across the room, finding him leaning against the wall of the auditorium. She can't deny how handsome he appears in his dark tuxedo, green undershirt, and his hair, though messy, fits his get-up too well.

At the same moment, a smiling Collum touches James' arm, pulling his gaze away from April as he tells him that he's leaving. James spent the whole evening entertaining Harmony's friend, as a way to not think about April, the woman he knows will never be his.

He likes her more than words can say, way before they even thought to spend that drunken night together that many nights ago. But he knows April doesn't see him that way, and may never even see him that way.

He has come to accept it for the past few weeks. But tonight...tonight he wants to be honest with her, though the words she uttered in the hallway that day has slightly dimmed the little hope he had.

"James, please, do not take what happened last year at that party seriously; we were drunk."

His hope wasn't shattered by much, albeit, as he still wants to try.

He wants to speak to her to set things straight, to let her know how he really feels. He's always been playing around, and she must have taken his feelings for a joke. But tonight, he wants her to see that he's serious. Totally and utterly serious. About her.

April's stomach floats with a warm sensation as she rereads the words on her screen. Talk outside. She knew what that meant.

"Are you okay?" Yuna asks April as she bounces her on the shoulder to get her attention, noticing how absentminded her friend appears.

April nods redly. "Mm. Give me a moment, okay?" In her peripheral view, she sees James already making his way outside after saying goodbye to Collum.

She follows after him, way behind, clasping her phone tightly into her hands. April has always been a woman of confidence, hence, she can't understand why now she feels this weak in the knees. The look he gave her from across the room just now, told her all she needed to know. He looked so serious, so unsmiling.

As she gets outside, she realizes that James has stopped in his tracks, his back turned as he weaves his fingers through his chocolate hair.

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