Sing To Me, Harmony

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"Open up next to you and my secrets become your truth. And the distance between that was sheltering me comes in full view." —Sara Bareilles.

Chapter Theme Song: 'Breathe Again' by Sara Bareilles.

(^You can listen the song at the part where Harmony sings it in the chap :)


Third-person POV


That's the only word staining Harmony's thoughts as she delicately sketches the portrait of the impeccable boy sitting in front of her. He must have been one of God's most cherished art pieces, his most laudable design that left even him in awe after he had finished molding him.

Before Blaze, she has never had the prospect to admire the masculine sexuality. Of course, she was sometimes forced to interact with them during her years of primary and secondary education, but none of them has ever evoked such favorable feelings.

The emotions that Blaze sparks within her are vastly different than those Collum brings forth. Whereas he gives off a refreshing, friendly vibe, Blaze is almost intimidating yet has the power to engrave himself into one's mind without much effort. A day will pass wherein she never thinks of Collum, but since she has met Blaze Xander, a minute has never drifted by without his spellbinding eyes flashing across her mind. And it scares her.

She gazes at the finished product and her lips break into a self-satisfied smile. She outlined him perfectly, from his black curly hair to his long lashes, to his red full lips. They all are depicted beautifully. This is how God must have felt when he was through with such a reputable formation. He had to have been working on him for years on end to achieve this flawless human.

"I'm finished, you should see it." She raises her grin with excitement only to find that her model is fast asleep.

His breathing is steady while his muscular arms are still coiled loosely across his chest. Harmony watches him silently and for a fraction of a second, she feels sorry for him. She's not sure where that tinge of sympathy came from but perhaps it must have been because his mother had committed suicide— and in the most gruesome way at that. He always tends to portray a composed persona, but she has lived with a broken mother for six years to know what brokenness looks like. And she too has been wounded after the death of her father, hence locating a shattered person isn't a hard task for her; she has become too familiar with the issue. Blaze must be feeling some form of pain deep down somewhere, and no one can tell her otherwise.

She quietly gets up from her seat and motions toward him with her sketchpad tucked to her chest. She lowers herself onto the mattress, her emerald eyes observing the perfect layer of his unblemished face. Up close, he resembles a Roman god with the amount of beauty his features possess. It felt great admiring his attributes while forming his image on paper, but now she's more fascinated with the real-life invention. She smiles softly at how long his eyelashes are, forming a thick shadow over his closed eyelids. And then the most outlandish thought crosses her mind. What do they feel like?

Before she can question the unusualness of her behavior, she reaches out to trail a finger over one of his refined lashes. The perfect line of hair shifts beneath her touch and her heart picks up at how soft they are under the pad of her finger. He could never be human; he's way too perfect. As if one touch doesn't satisfy her, she steers her attention to the opposite eyelash, wanting to grant it an equal inspection.

But as soon as her small finger hovers over the streaks of hair, Blaze's hand suddenly comes up to grasp her tiny wrist.

Sparkling, blue windows to where a soul should be, slowly open to meet her stupefied gaze. His eyes are hazily squinted, serving as enough of proof that he was in fact, asleep. Harmony's cheeks become the shade of his lips as she stares at him in both speechlessness and humiliation. And as if her self-loathing isn't enough, Blaze parts his lips to speak the obvious.

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