Deeper Things

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"I'm jealous, I'm overzealous. When I'm down I get real down. When I'm high I don't come down. I get angry, baby, believe me. I could love you just like that and I can leave you just as fast." —Julia Michaels.

Chapter Theme Song: 'Issues' by Julia Michaels.

(A/N: ^please listen the above song throughout this chapter :).)



The car is silent as we propel along the slippery road, the sound of rain splattering against metal and the faded roars of passing vehicles filling the frigid void.

I had no idea the ride to the mall would be this long. I am dying of anxiety being in this tiny space next to him, and the fact that he's half-naked makes this situation even more nerve-wracking.

I quietly puff air from my cheeks, rubbing my palms along my legs in restlessness. Blaze glances over at me and softly smiles before focusing back to the road.

"So, who taught you to play the piano?"

I gaze at him at the posing of his question, and he meets my eyes, raising a perfect brow expectantly.

"My dad," I answer shortly, turning my vision ahead. The sour emotions return, and I try my best to repress them. It'd be embarrassing to break down right here in the presence of this unfamiliar sophomore.

"Oh." He nods comprehensively and leaves it there. But for some reason, I feel the need to speak further.

"Yeah, he taught me the basics." I purse my lips despondently. "Before he had a heart attack and died..."

I wait to hear an: 'oh, I am so sorry about that' or any form of sympathetic consolation but instead, Blaze just reaches over to his dashboard and turns his radio up.

The upbeat music fills the car and I blink awkwardly and look away, finding his indifferent reaction strange. I am not fishing for sympathy or any form of commiseration, but I just think that his response to such painful news is freakishly abnormal. Maybe he is trying not to spoil the mood?

I corner-eye him and he's gently tapping his fingers against his steering wheel while he slightly nods his head to the music. I make a face and pull my eyes to the window, feeling greatly offended.

My dad died, dude!

"My mom is dead too," he says out of the blue, and I bring surprised eyes to him.


"Yeah." He casually shrugs, slanting his head back as he glances at me. I try to read his expression, but it just appears blank.

I straighten up in my seat as my features soften sympathetically. Now, this is a normal reaction. "Wow. How did that happen?"

"She shot herself in the head." He raises his shoulders apathetically, and my mouth drops open.


Taking in my horrified expression, he suddenly erupts into a fit of deep laughter, throwing his head back but still managing to drive safely. The sound echoes dominantly throughout the car, and though it is audibly pleasing, I can't find the humor in what he just said.

This is not funny. How can he be laughing after saying something like that?

"Don't look so frightened, I am kidding!" He whips his hair from his eyes, and my heart begins to thaw. Thank God. A lingering smile is on his lips as he gazes into his side mirror, neatly overtaking a sluggish car in front of him.

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