Part II| Movies & Talks

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"Every time you hold me close, I feel you're trying to save a broken soul." —Declan J Donovan.

Chapter Theme Song: 'Numb' by Declan J Donovan.

AN: I think the above song fits Blaze perfectly! :) Please have a listen!



"Woah, that was amazing!" Mal compliments as he walks over to me. The music meeting has ended, and everyone is gradually filing out of the room.

Maddie is behind him, and she's looking from me to Blaze with the same frown engraved on her face.

"Thanks, Mal." I smile.

"That was awesome, Harmony!" Justine inputs as she joins us, smiling from ear to ear. "I enjoyed it."

"Thanks, I am happy you did. It means a lot to know that you guys found it entertaining."

"Oh, the whole club did." She chuckles. "The way you were staring at Blaze so passionately, I think the whole school knows you both are in love now."

Heat spreads to my cheeks in a matter of seconds, and I glance over at Blaze, whose face is now abnormally red. Is he blushing?

Maddie tenses visibly then force a smile as she clears her throat. Everyone pulls their regard to her, and Mal seems to have forgotten that his sister was standing there.

"Oh, Maddie, ready to head out?"

"Yeah." She nods; her eyes are focused on me as her lips form a tight smile. "That was lovely, Harmony."

I smile. "Thank you, Maddie."

"Well, see you around. My sister needs to get checked into her dorm room."

"Oh, I didn't know you were boarding here, Mal," I say truthfully, and he shrugs.

"Well, a day ago, I wasn't. It's my first day. Maddie asked our parents to let her board here yesterday, so I just decided to board as well so she wouldn't be alone."

I nod understandingly, and Maddie simpers. "Yeah, so we will see each other quite often...Harmony."

She smirks, and my lips pull awkwardly. "Well...that'd be nice, I guess."

"Oh, it will be." She crosses her arms against her chest as she glares at me—a deep gaze into my eyes that gives me immediate chills. It creeps the living being out of me, so I tear my gaze away and look at Mal. "See you around then Mal."

He smiles at me again, then awkwardly glance at Blaze as if he isn't sure whether to give him a farewell. He decides against it and just walks away with his sister.

"Well, remember to practice the music sheet I gave you, alright?" Justine reminds me.

"I will."

She touches my shoulder. "Thanks for being a part of this; I owe you big time."

"Don't mention it."

She smiles at us again before leaving the room. Justine is not so bad, even though we started on the wrong foot. I am curious as to what made her change her mind about Blaze. Maybe she realized that it is pointless to be in love with him because he will never reciprocate her feelings. I know he is hard work when it comes to emotions, but I am brave enough to try with him.

"Did you see how Maddie just looked at you?" Blaze asks as we begin to move toward the exit.

"How?" I question. He pushes the door open for me and shifts aside as I step out into the hallway.

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