Part II| We Fit So Perfectly Harmony, Don't We?

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"We're not equal parts. Light and dark, we can be brilliant." —Nilu.

Chapter Theme Song: 'Are You With' Me by Nilu.

A/N: Please listen to the above song! :)



I enter his house behind him, but not before glancing at the lady who sits on her porch, giving Blaze another one of her infamous stink eyes.

Hate has never been this obvious. She gives the impression that she would murder him in a heartbeat if she should ever get the chance. It makes me insanely curious about the story that lies behind her glares of resentment.

"What exactly happened with you and that lady's son?"

Blaze closes his door after me, and the house seems a bit darker today since the blinds aren't drawn and all the lights are off.

"You don't want to know that, green eyes." A smile creeps its way onto his face as he walks to the living room, and I follow him, still unable to contain my curiosity.

"I want to know, actually. I am curious."

"Curiosity kills the cat." He grins while crashing on his couch, sprawling his arm over the edge while splaying his knees comfortably.

"Well... it's a lucky thing I am not a cat." I smile with a cocked head.

He bites back his smile as he hangs his head, and I sit next to him, folding a leg underneath me and patiently waiting for him to open up to me.

He looks up at me. "Doesn't this all scare you?"


Sitting up straighter, he studies my expression. "Like hearing the dark things I have been through or that I've done in the past."

"No." I shake my head, truthfully. "In fact, I find it more interesting than watching a movie."

He stares at me silently, and his eyes crinkle with the same emotion they held earlier on the street. The emotion that I can't quite explain, but I know it's not a bad one. I will ask one day what that look means. But maybe he wouldn't be able to explain it either.

He nods and allows his gaze to trail away, presumably weighing his opinions. Finally, he succumbs.

"Fine. Can't say I didn't warn you."

I smile and scoot closer. "Awesome. Storytime."

He chuckles and shakes his head. "You're crazy. And I am crazy, so for a crazy person to call someone else crazy, it means you really are crazy."

I laugh. "It feels like a compliment."

"Oh, it is. Crazy people are gods."

I giggle. "Whatever, come on, tell me, what happened?"

He scratches the top of his head and sighs. "Well, in high school... I used to illegally trespass sometimes. One night, my friends and I broke into the school."

I nod my head without judgment, urging him on.

I want him to find comfort in telling me anything. I know me freaking out because he had a condom wrapper in his room doesn't make me the best person to be honest with, but I hope he knows that I won't make that mistake again. Blaze needs time, he needs patience, and most of all—he needs love.

"So, um..." He pauses for a moment and looks at me doubtfully. "Are you sure you want to know?"

"Yes." I shift to face him better. "What happened? Why did you break into the school?"

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