The Saint Meets The Sinner

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"I've never fallen from quite this high. Falling into your ocean eyes."—Billie Eilish.

Chapter Theme Song: 'Ocean Eyes' by Billie Eilish.



My skin glows red, orange, and gold as the flames of the blazing bonfires rise toward the pitch-black sky. The woody fragrance of smoke propagates through the air and the warmth of the fire can be felt but is still not enough to overthrow the chilly night air.

Loud music vibrates the dusty earth as ashen debris steadily travel away from the smoke and among the socializing university students.

Everyone here seems to know each other, though most of them are first years. The setting is crowded and not my style at all, and I can't help feeling tiny and out of place.

This feels like a party instead of an orientation. Needless to say, I am gravely uncomfortable. I am about to make a U-turn and return to my dorm when April speaks from next to me, reminding me that I am not standing here alone.

"It's freezing out here. I should have brought a jacket." Cold vapor transpires from her mouth as she speaks, and the flickering orange light from the bonfire reflects in her pupils.

She's only wearing a cream strapless dress, a thin silver necklace, and white ballet flats. Her brown hair is tied up into a formally loose bun. Of course she'd be freezing, her attire is more suitable for a hot summer afternoon.

My immune system can be quite defeating at times, hence, I ensured to wear a giant grey sweater that belongs to my dad and a pair of washed-out jeans that are slightly baggy. My mom purchases most of my clothes bigger in size because she thinks for the future, saying I can keep them for a long while and wouldn't have to go shopping anytime soon. Alongside her OCD tendencies, her conservativeness can become quite overbearing.

April rubs her arms as she grits her teeth, and the field begins to get more crowded as a lot more people make their appearances.

People. They make me so anxious.

"I could just run back and get a sweater for you." I offer willingly but she grips my arm lightly, shaking her head.

"No, it's cool. Grayson Hall is at the back of the campus."

And there went my chance to escape for a breather.

I puff air from my cheeks, subtly kicking the ground in disappointment.

"April!" A female's voice prompts my head up to see two ecstatic females scampering toward us. I take a step back as my roommate's mouth separates into a giant grin. Both girls jump into her arms and they all rupture into a fit of happy giggles while galloping merrily in a tight circle. I watch them with interest; no-one has ever been that happy to see me.

"Girls, when did you guys arrive?" April titters as they pull away and all three girls are wearing broad, electrified smiles.

"My mom dropped us off an hour ago." One replies above the music. She has beautiful caramel skin and her hair is black with little streaks of white. The mix of colors intrigues me, and I find myself gawping at her hair in absorbed fascination.

"You look damn good, April." The other one compliments, flashing her short brown hair from her eyes. "Love the dress!"

"Thank you." April smiles, before grasping onto my arm and gently tugging me forward. "Guys, meet my new roommate. Harmony Skye."

I smile awkwardly as the two girls each offer one back.

"Woah, she's pretty. I like your name." The brunette says, and I take notice of how small her facial features are. Her nose is almost non-existent. "I'm Tia, and she's Yuna." She points to the girl with the flawless caramel skin and she waves with a beam.

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