Episode 2

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Namjoon and Taehyung continued to walk until the darkness invaded them. Namjoon suggested resting a little but Taehyung denied it. He was eager to know whose heart was broken, ahjussi talked about. He read many romantic novels and he was assuming himself a princess who would cure the heart of his prince with love and care. He was smiling ear to ear thinking about it.
Then he remembered he didn't ask for the name whose heart he had to heal. 

He continued to walk with a visible pout adorning his face. He stopped at a place where he saw a lot of flickering lights moving here and there. He was so amazed by the view. He never saw anything like this before.
" This is fireflies town." Namjoon peeked at the magical map and uttered.
" It's beautiful, hyung," Taehyung spoke tenderly, eyes sparkling in awe.
Fireflies were moving in a circle above him.
Namjoon swore he saw the fireflies making a crown over Taehyung's head and Taehyung was looking ethereal with those golden flies. 

Namjoon sat there to take a rest, glimpsing Taehyung from time to time to make sure that he was there. Namjoon was calm because next to these fireflies were purple flower fields. He wanted this walk to end soon. He was tired along with Taehyung. They both didn't eat anything from the last day.
There were many fruits in their way but they preferred not to eat them, for fear that they might be poisonous.

Taehyung chuckled when one firefly sat on his finger. He moved his finger near him to touch the firefly. As he did it, the firefly flew away leaving grinding Taehyung behind.
" Hyung, aren't they cute?"
Namjoon nodded with his dimple smile.
"Come Tae sit, we don't want you tired. We have a destination to reach soon." He patted land beside him.
Taehyung nodded and walked to sit there. He laughed when he saw all the fireflies flying behind him.

They both sat in tranquillity. One with a soft smile to see the flickering creatures and thinking about what ahjussi told him. And one with thoughts about what will be happening outside of this enchanted forest.
Both sighed at the same time but both were unaware of each other's worries.

Pin-drop silence engulfed a huge white hall when the clicking shoes of King Jeon heard.
The white hall with big golden chandeliers, and pink crystal hanging on these dangling golden chains. The walls of the hall were spotless, just like the heart of Seraphic people.
The twenty-foot-long red carpet lay from the entrance of the wooden black oak door to the end of the hall.
At the far end of the hall was a throne, decorated with hundreds of small crystals at the edges, a big diamond in the middle, and pure red velvet engulfing all these ornaments, giving a unique look to it. These things were spoking the wealth of this kingdom. The Seraphic.

King Jungkook, the living good; both by looks and deed, climbed his throne with full glory. His Arora was speaking dominance.
He took his place on a well-deserving throne, legs open and his arms rested on throne curves.
" Proceed." King's vocal person announced.

All members of the Seraphic official room were appointed by the will of citizens. The meeting is held every week with the King, to solve the matters of local people. These members have the right to say anything to the King but within the boundaries.

" Your majesty, people are requesting to build a higher school for youngsters but we the members are seeking your opinion." The head of the group, Kwan, took his seat back on the red chair around the big wooden table.

" Their request will be accepted." King Jungkook's loud and octave-deep voice echoed in the meeting hall, sending chills to all who were there, " Hoseok will talk to the writers for more books. You can instruct the masoon to build a school." King glanced at his vocal person Hoseok, who replied with a yes.

" Your majesty, for the next thing we wanted to apologize beforehand." King Jungkook and Secretary Hoseok shared an unpretentious glance. King frowned, knowing very well about the thing they were going to propose.

" It's been three years since the Seraphic is without a Queen. We loved and will always love our former queen but we wanted someone to stand beside our King to take his burden and ~"

"My  personal life has no concern with you as your personal life is no bother to me." King Jungkook howled, interrupting the head of the Seraphic room;
" Interrupt in my personal life again and I'll not bear it. The meeting ended here. You all can go."

All members apologized and left the room, leaving the angry Jungkook behind.
" Calm down, Jungkook, " Hoseok rubbed the king's shoulders.
" Hyung. I can't. What is the problem? I am solving their problems. I am doing all things which a King can do. But they keep talking about my former queen." Jungkook yelled in frustration. His childhood friend Jung Hoseok passed him a glass of water.

Before they spoke more, a giggling voice of Jungmin got their attention. The frown from Jungkook's face disappeared and a smile adorned his face. He quickly hold the letter beside his throne and wore his glasses to show that he was working.
Jung smiled to see when Jungmin entered the hall from the private door to the King's
The child climbed from behind the Throne to prank his father. The baby crawled under Thorne and touched his father's feet.
Jungkook acted scared and jumped from Thorne, putting his hand dramatically on his heart.
Jungmin giggled and took his body out off the throne and clapped his hand.
" Dawda scawed." Jungmin jumped on his feet giggling.
" Jungmin, my mischievous baby. Dada told you not to scare him like that. Are you going to listen or not?" Jungkook scolded him jokingly while the little boy just giggled and hugged his father's legs.
" I am soweyy dawda. Jungmin lub u." Jungkook smiled and took him in his arms, hugging him close to his chest.
" I love you too, my baby. Your dad loves you a lot." Jungkook sniffed the natural scent of Jungmin which reminded him of Jimin and his heavenly natural scent of cocoa and butter.

Hoseok, who was watching the scene unfolding in front of him with hearty eyes, smiled to see the sky.
" Thank you, Queen. For leaving Jungmin behind for our King."


" Hyung, don't you think we should wait for father here?" Taehyung lay in a purple flower field. They were close to the black lake but Taehyung had other plans.
" Taehyung, we should keep going. Our governor knows very well where to go or not. So let's keep going."
Taehyung sighed. He wished for his father to come with him. His father was the only person he had in his life and he didn't want him to lose any time soon.

Taehyung got up to walk but his eyes caught a light purple flower sparkling due to the sunlight falling on it. Taehyung smiled and stood on his toes to reach the flower, which was a little high for him. He tugs the flower and caresses it before doting on in his ear. He giggled.
Namjoon shook his head with a little smile.

Taehyung was about to pluck the other flower but a shriek from someone caught his attention. He looked down on his knees and screamed before running to Namjoon hiding behind him.

Little things, which were not the man nor woman, were glaring at Namjoon who was hiding their culprit, the flower plucker.
Namjoon gulped he never knew Dwarves existed in the real world, he smiled sheepishly and bowed down as an apology because the dwarves were so angry at one point. As soon as Namjoon bowed down, Taehyung came into view with eyes wide open.

Dwarves gasp before falling to their knees and putting their hands on their hearts. Namjoon and Taehyung passed on a glance.
Taehyung hesitantly took slow steps toward them.
" Are you angry…because I plucked flowers?" Taehyung pointed at his flower and asked.
When he didn't get any response from the dwarves who were in their previous stance.
" I am sorry. Please forgive me." He pouted.

All dwarves shook their heads and ran toward Taehyung catching him off guard.
" We are sorry, moon." The head of the dwarf apologized.
Taehyung was so confused about their behaviour and nickname. He turned around to see if there was someone else whom they were mistaken about, but to his dismay, no one was there except him. Indeed they were kneeling in front of him.
This scene was registered in Namjoon's eyes, who was guessing Taehyung was somehow special or connected to this Forest. This was a mystery that was soon to be disclosed.

Dwarves quickly made a circle around Taehyung and joined their hands, whispering something with closed eyes. Taehyung remained unmoving with furrowed eyebrows, and soon five of the dwarfs disappeared leaving a locket in the head dwarf's hand.

The head dwarf opened his eyes and then his hand, seeing a purple stone locket. The dwarf came near Taehyung and put a locket around his neck.
" May God bless you, Moon… we'll meet soon." And then the bright light came before they all evaporated, turning the purple flower fields into white flowers.

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