Episode 42

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Epilogue 1 💜
(Longest chapter of this book...)


Inside the King's chamber. 

It was chaos. 

Pillows and sheets were scattered all around the carpeted floor of the chamber. Peels of bananas were enjoying time, laying carefree at a wide distance from each other. 

One and a half-year-old Hyee was sitting inside the one cabinet of the wardrobe, using his mother's black bra as a hat, messing with other Accessories. 

On the uncovered bed, Da-Som was plucking his elder brother's hair who was sleeping peacefully until now, but that little princess didn't let him do so. 

And here the king was laying like a log on the couch, unaware of the blonde, standing at the door of the chamber with fuming eyes. 

Taehyung couldn't believe his eyes. Just a moment ago, everything was well organised and calm. They were preparing for sleep but Taehyung excused saying Jungkook to take care of the kids in the meantime he went to inform Tasha to spend a night with the kids as he wanted to enjoy his time with his sulky husband, but this scene was not expected by him.

"What the heck happened there?" He thought, "I told Kook to take care of the kids but he…" he stopped and glared at the sleeping figure of the king. 

Taehyung knew his twins are super hyperactive and naughty, he knew it from the day when they began to bite his chest whenever he became late to feed him. That's the reason he always orders someone to look after the twins in his absence, but today he made a mistake. 

The mistake of telling Jungkook to look after the kids destroyed their family nest. He cursed himself for this. 

He sighed and counted to ten before calming down, kids are kids, he can't do anything now except clean the chamber and scold them and their father. 

He took hurried steps when Jungmin cried in pain, while the little devil was giggling, pulling his hair. 

Taehyung held his soft hands and tried to untangle the hair but Da-Som didn't let him, gripping the hair more tightly. 

"Som, leave your brother's hair now," Taehyung ordered her sternly, but she found it amusing to hear the whimpers of her brother. She was surely a devil, his brother's devil, who taught him to pull hair whenever someone bothers her. 

"Somie… no, no." She giggled denying it. 

"Okay then, no bubu for Da-Som," Taehyung smirked when the girl left his hair on hearing a threat that she would not get his mommy's milk. "Bubu" is the name given to a blonde's nip by the princess. 

Taehyung took Jungmin in his lap who was still sleepy, he kissed his tears and massaged his scalps. 

"Sorry baby. Your sister is a satan." He mumbled to the boy who just mumbled "It's okay" and slept again. Taehyung stood up with a seven-year-old Jungmin and crossed the door, entering the Prince's chamber. He tugged him onto the bed before walking back to his chamber. Sighing to think that he had to deal with the devil now. 

He picked Da-Som and left her on the floor before putting the sheets on the bed. He took all the pillows, setting them on the bed. He tidied up the chamber a little before feeding Da-Som and putting her to sleep. 

Then he walked to Hyee, who was still in the wardrobe trying Taehyung's every bra as a hat. He shook his head and picked him up. 

"What did you do?" Taehyung questioned him, poking his cheeks. 

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