Episode 24

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~ Flashback- before Taehyung and Jungkook's argument ~

Jungkook entered the royal chambers with slumped shoulders and a tiring face. Today was one of the most exhausting days of his life. No, he didn't tire himself of work but the battle of emotions inside him made him sick of himself. He just wanted to take a bath and sleep in his blonde husband's arms. His comfort place.

All day, he thought of the words Jungmin uttered. Though he knew that they were not his phrases, the damage caused to Taehyung made him afraid. He is well aware of the fact that Taehyung can go crazy whenever someone tells him that Jungmin is not his son and hearing it from him must be wounding. But he'll compensate for it. He'll tell Taehyung how much he loves him. He'll make Jungmin apologise but not now. They will talk tomorrow.

Jungkook was about to enter his love nest but Jungmin's voice stopped him. He turned to see Jungmin in an unevenly buttoned shirt and messy hair. Sure, he didn't dress by Taehyung today.
He walked near him and picked him up.
"I can't sleep alone. Can dada sleep with me?" Jungmin asked hesitantly.

"Hmmm...let's sleep with your mother.".

"No...no... not with ma...Taehyung."

"Why?" He knew the reason but he wanted to hear it from his son. When he didn't get any answer he walked to Jungmin's chamber to have a long talk with him.

Yeontan was sleeping on his bed, so they decided to speak in shush. Jungkook guessed Jungmin will not understand everything directly so he began to narrate a story.

" There was a boy, who was living alone with his father in a small hut. They had nothing to eat, and no proper place to sleep. They were lonely, the boy always wept to have his father's love but his father was in so much distress that he didn't care about his son's feelings." The father-son duo lay on the bed.

"One day, an angel appears out of nowhere. He loves the boy, feeds him, plays with him and lullabies him to sleep. The boy became so happy to have a new friend. The boy requested Angle to come home. The angel agreed and within a few days, the angel became his mother. They become a happy family like Mr Stick."

" Angle also gave him a baby brother and sister to play with him.. everything was going well until one day, the boy hurt Angle." Jungmin gasped, "What he says?"

"He said mean things to him. He said he is not his mother." Jungkook saw the horrified expression on Jungmin's.

"Then...what happened dawda?" He asked hesitantly.

"The angle left him. He took the babies with him, leaving the boy and his father alone."
Jungmin gasped.

"That boy left alone?" Jungkook nodded his head. Jungmin became silent.

"Do you think you have an angel in your life, son?" He got no answer.
"An angel who loves you plays with you, gives you hugs and kisses, lullaby you to sleep, feeds you with your hand and also dresses you well comb your."

"Tae...Tae" Jungkook bit his cheeks to stop his laughter.
"Do you say something, son?" Jungkook questioned.

Jungmin nodded his head. "Mama...he is my angel."

"Oh... but I don't think Jungmin hurt his angle. So we are okay."

Jungmin went silent for a minute before speaking in his stuttering voice.

"I tell Mama to leave us."
Jungkook shook his head in disappointment. "My love will be crying now." A thought ran into his mind for a moment.

"You say this to Taehyung?" Jungmin nodded his head slightly before tears began to roll down his cheeks.
Jungkook felt hurt. He thought the matter would be solved in a single talk but seems like a whole debate is required.

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