Episode 26

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" Why are we not attacking them?" Kang's special man questioned.

It's been two weeks since they learned about the way of entering Seraphic. They made all preparations to attack and claim the holy place as theirs. But at the last moment, their sire stopped and from that way, they were waiting for his command.

Their army was not better. They were walking in search of it. It's been days since they had a proper meal and they are getting weak with each passing second. It seems like their sire had to fight alone because the only person who is unaffected by all this is Kang.

"Sire, our force is weak. What should we do now?" The man questioned carefully, not wanting to anger him.

"Let them die." He opened his eyes, his eyes all back by evilness. His Qareen was slowly taking control of his body.
The man gulped.

" They are waiting for us at the edge of the entrance. If we begin a war we will lose it. Let them think that we are not going to attack. Let them relax." Kang continued "Attacking someone when they expect least, is a victory. Go and search for food, don't come inside until I say so." The man quickly stood up and ran out, making Kang smirked.

His Qareen told him about all that happened in the castle. He also told him about Hyuna's son being the Queen of Seraphic and that made his anger at his peak. He made up his mind to kill that boy with his bare hands.

When they were going to attack Seraphic, Qareen stopped them as he, his eyes and ears in Seraphic- the spider hosting in Soobin, informed him about all preparations.
This caused the delay.

Here they were not in a position to attack first and on the other side, it's been days since the king and force of Seraphic are waiting for the war to begin.


The king walked out of his tent, which was specially designed for the king with all necessities inside in it. It was in the middle of vast ground, five-hundred metres away from the cave which was supposed to be the passage for the intruders.
Besides the big tent, there were small temporary huts for soldiers, behind these tents, an open eating place was designed where the meals were made once a day to feed soldiers. They have been waiting for the war to end but two weeks has passed…there is no sign of war.

Jungkook took a look at all the soldiers and then walked to the entrance of the cave. He sat there with a bunch of soldiers…it's their daily thing to wait for someone to enter.

"How are preparations going on?" He asked Jackson, who was one of the people in that troop who needed to be near the cave 24/7.

"We have all the weapons and our soldiers are ready to cut the slack." He pointed to a troop at the far end of the clearing, "They are for the announcement and news. The letters you majest have sent for the royal house have been delivered and whenever the war begins, they will move back to the castle to deliver the news and make them attentive."

"Good." The king's hand accepted the glass of goat milk one of the soldiers offered.

"What about our soldiers? What are their thoughts on it?" Jungkook questioned, now very well about their turmoil.

"They are…kinda impatient. It's been a fortnight and we get nothing. So they are becoming hopeless."

The king hummed in response. He is getting impatient. He has a husband and son, waiting back at the fort. He wanted to go and find his comfort in Taehyung. He wanted the air to fly him back to the castle, where a certain blonde and a naughty child were waiting for him.

Jungkook knew one thing in this separation of two weeks… he is nothing without Taehyung. Taehyung's shy smile, giggles and blushy face were his motivation to keep going. Now in this vacant tent, he felt afraid. His mind was again irritating him with thoughts that his love once again will be left unattended. Jeon Jungkook will live his life alone.

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