Coffee Date < 3

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Wednesday's POV :

Ugh where is Enid, its been 15 minutes and I'm still waiting. Enid runs inside weathervane with a pink heart shaped box with a red ribbon on it.
— For you!
Enid says sitting down. I gently grab it and put it inside of my purse. I thank her and she gives me a kiss.i blush a bit but that blush disappears as Tyler comes closer.
— Hey Wednesday! What may I get ya?
— Regular, and for Enid she'll get a...
— Pumpkin spice!
Wait. When did they start selling pumpkin spice again?!
— Alright coming right up.
He leaves. Enid starts kissing me again which makes me blush again, she breaks the kiss as she grabs her phone. I'm still blushing just so you know, she takes a picture of us and I turn my face away from embarrassement. She quickly takes the pic and pulls her phone away.
— your so cute when your flustered!
— Shut up!
I whisper pulling my face away. A few minutes pass and Tyler gives mine and Enid's orders. We drink up and Head back to Nevermore before dark,,,


Tysm for all the reads! Sorry for the short chapter- ill maybe make smutt fr the next one- Bye have a nice Day/Night < 3

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