Chapter 22 - Kellan

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Chapter 22 - Kellan

"Well, this escalated quickly, Kellan." Dr. Walker was in a foul mood and made no effort to conceal who was to blame.

I sat slouched to one side in the chair opposite her, a lazy grin pasted across my face. It took me a concerted effort to hear what she was saying; it's almost impossible to care.

I'm still in that hallway, where I had the strangest and most wonderful sensation of it being just the two of us. I'm still holding the hands of the little dark angel who has singlehandedly reached inside my heart and beaten back the emptiness that I didn't realize was there, leaving me suffused in her depth.

"Well? What do you have to say for yourself?"

I flicked my eyes to Dr. Walker's. "She got bullied, and no one was there to protect her," I started, nonchalant, a lazy shrug of my shoulders. "I warned you, told you what was happening, and nothing had changed. The adults in the room couldn't do the job. You failed. So I did the job for you. The blame for what happened in the hallway is with YOU. But don't worry, Maddie will be safe, one way or the other."

I laughed when Dr. Walker's head snapped back. She looked as if she'd been electrocuted.

"Who do you think you are, coming in here speaking with me like this? After what you did to those boys? After that little speech you gave afterward? Are you aware that you could be expelled for the threats you made? Do you know what disciplinary consequences you are facing young man?"

I slouched further into the chair, allowing my head to come to rest in my hand.

"I haven't the faintest idea. Enlighten me."

"For openers, I SHOULD kick you off the football team. You're looking at a minimum one-game suspension. And you're going home for the rest of this week, that's non-negotiable."

I didn't bother to respond. I could live with a one-game suspension. Coach Baker would be pissed, but it was what it was.

"Do you see the seriousness of what you've done? And what you could lose?"


"Then, you're sorry for what you've done?" she asked expectantly.

"No. I'm sorry for the despicable lack of action this school has taken to protect Maddie. I'll never be sorry for protecting her."

Dr. Walker leaned back in her chair, her voice finding a lower range I didn't know she possessed. "Kellan, I am suspending you from school for the rest of the week. And you're off the football team for two games. I don't care what Coach Baker says. This might be a big joke to you, but it's not for me. It's going to be a nightmare trying to explain to that kid's parents why he has broken ribs and possibly a concussion, maybe even internal bleeding."

I was playing with fire, but I didn't care. Whatever happened to that kid didn't matter. He laughed when he saw Maddie crying. I wasn't going to sit here and feel bad for him or his parents.

"Actually, I think that will be the easiest part of your day. I can do it for you if you'd like. It's simple: he told the girl that I'm in love with that she should be a normal faggot. Whatever happened to him next makes perfect sense, don't you think? His parents should feel lucky that he still has a pulse."

Dr. Walker abruptly stood. "Please sit in the front office until a parent or guardian comes to retrieve you. That will be all."

I nodded slowly. When I stood up, I made a point of silently towering over her for a few seconds before walking to the door.

I Love You Just the Way You Are (Book 1- Rock Canyon Series)Where stories live. Discover now