Chapter 36 - Kellan

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Chapter 36 - Kellan

We lay together after, the only sounds our breathing and a rare Arizona rain plinking against the window. The rain was soft, like her skin against mine.

As I twirled her hair between my fingers, I sank deeper into what we had just shared, the amazing overwhelm that had threatened to consume us both.

Everything becomes a shadow in our light.

"Let's take a shower together my love," I said, picking her up when she nodded. She looked so peaceful as her face kept disappearing and reappearing in the dim lighting. I couldn't stop staring at her; I'd never seen her this beautiful. The freckles in her eyes seemed to have a lifeforce of their own, flittering like fireflies in a summer field of blue cornflowers.

"You're so pretty, Maddie Pie," I whispered, kissing the tip of her nose.

I sat her down next to the shower and discarded the condom in the trash can. "We need that for safety but it definitely makes for an awkward moment buster afterward."

Maddie laughed softly and rubbed my back. I loved that she always seemed to genuinely appreciate my silly commentary. I started up the shower for us, making sure it was nice and warm, and then placed her gently in the running water. The mist moistened my face as it splashed on Maddie's body. I stepped in behind her and grabbed a bar of soap.

"Sorry, I don't have any fancy shower gels. Just this boring sandalwood soap that my mom buys me to try to hide what she calls my 'awful teenage boy' smell. Hope you don't mind smelling like me."

Maddie faced me and put a hand on my chest. "Oh, God, Kellan, I love the way you smell, even when it does have a bit of teenage boy wang to it. I want to wrap myself in it forever."

I smiled and sank to my knees. I began washing her, lathering and caressing one foot at a time. I rinsed them off, and kissed the tops gently.

"What are you doing?" she asked, looking at me with a confused smile. I leaned underneath her face to stay out of the spray. The water cascading around her head made it feel like I was standing in a dry spot in the middle of a waterfall.

"I'm taking the time to love each part of you. It might be goofy, but I want to care for each little scar on your body. I know you suffered for so long, not understanding yourself, and hating what you saw in the mirror. I want to appreciate you, show you that you are wonderful just the way you are. I want to nurture you, Maddie, always. You deserve it."

She put both hands to her heart and joined me on her knees. Her makeup was washing away, and it was the first time I had ever seen her without it. She wouldn't believe me, so I didn't say anything, but I thought she was even more radiant without it.

"I love you, Kellan. I don't know what my life would be like without you. Thanks for fighting for me, every step of the way. You've been there. And I know you'll always be there."

Maddie's hair was now soaked and clung to the sides of her face, falling in skinny snake-like strands to her shoulders. I brought my forehead to hers, and then she brought her mouth to mine. Water droplets raced down our faces and mingled between our lips.

I thought of how late it was getting and pulled away. "Oh my God, your parents. We better get moving. I have one more thing planned for our date. Don't get too excited because nothing is going to top what we've already done."

"Aww, what is it? Tell me!" Maddie took the towel I handed her and began drying her arms.

"Cuddling on your couch and watching a Shoujo stream. I know she's your favorite streamer and I personally verified on Discord to the woman herself that she would be streaming tonight. Looks like she's playing a randomizer."

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