Chapter 25 - Maddie

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Chapter 25 - Maddie

When he disappeared, I lingered for another minute, staring at the last place I could see him. I felt like my smile was permanent as I walked in a slow daze to my bedroom, closing and leaning against the door. When I looked in the mirror it was as shocking as the first moment I saw myself after Destiny did my makeup.

Is this me? Is this what Kellan looks like on me?

I looked at this new stranger and decided that I liked her even better than the girl with the makeup. This girl looked happy, and I didn't remember ever seeing her before.

That night, in the shower, I found myself at my waterfall. I felt a presence and looked over my shoulder, surprised to see Kellan instead of my magical stranger. He was naked, walking toward me, the water droplets falling off the hard planes of his chest.

He sank to his knees behind me, touching me ever so slowly at the small of my back, his hands working their way around to the front of my body. I can feel my excitement throbbing as his chest presses into my back.

Yes, Kellan, touch me. Right... there... yes... just like that.

In my safe spaces, I'm always in a female body and dread opening my eyes and having to shatter the illusion. But as soon as the thought encroaches, I always opened my eyes. Tonight, it came faster than I wanted it to. I blinked open, looked down, and frowned at the form of attraction that I wished would go away forever.

Don't do this tonight. Just let it go. Don't crumble, don't fall, focus on what went right today. He stood up for you, he kissed you, he's into you. Just for one stupid night let go.

I closed my eyes again, trying to recapture the moment, but it was lost. I felt the anger surge upward and I stood up, shaking. Just as I was about to spiral, I heard a guitar riff and stood puzzled for a few seconds before realizing it was my text message notification. I didn't get many texts aside from Destiny, and she usually video called.


I hurried out of the shower and grabbed my phone, dripping water all over the screen.

It was Kellan. I dried off and dressed in record time, bursting out of the bathroom and running straight to my room, leaping into the bed.

Kellan: Hey Maddie, it's Kellan. You know, the boy you kissed twice tonight? Anyway, I left something at your house, I was wondering if you could bring it to me Thursday when we hang out.

Oh my God! My first cute text from a boy!

Maddie: Hmm, I don't know if I remember these kisses with a Kellan. ;) haha! What did you forget?

Kellan: My heart. Make sure you bring it back.

I could see him typing as soon as the message was delivered. I liked that he didn't try to seem cool by waiting for a few minutes.

Maddie: Omg that's so cheesy... but I like it :P

Kellan: LOL vegan cheese only! Hey thanks for everything tonight. Thanks for being there for me. You're the best. I didn't mean to get so mopey about football, especially after everything you go through :(

Maddie: No, Kellan, please don't think like that. You stood up for me. To like the entire world. And you lost everything because of it. We didn't have a chance to really get into that, but I'm very sorry. I understand how you feel.

Kellan: I didn't lose everything though.

My head snapped back a little. Huh? Of course you did! All your friends abandoned you, you quit football because your transphobe coach is a douche, not to mention your dad and what he did.

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