30. florence's birthday

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𝐀𝐆𝐄 : 4

𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓 : 2 0 1 6



Scarlett's pov
Tomorrow was defiantly an important day, for me, for Y/n and most importantly for Miss Florence Pugh, obviously the reason being her birthday or international Florence day as many people like the call it. Florence has been staying with us recently, her apartments have been having some problems and as soon as i heard i stepped in offering her to stay with me, especially since Y/n has been missing her like crazy.

We spent new years together, just me, Florence and my sweet little girl. That's exactly how i wanted it to be. After new years, Y/n's next focus was on Florence's birthday and she insisted on getting a present of her choice, so the this morning i had taken her someone that was open so i could get her what she wanted to get Florence which happened to be the biggest avocado throw blanket i think I've ever seen but i couldn't resist saying no to Y/n's cute little face when it lit up the moment she saw it and fell in love with it.

Today was going to be a special day i could just feel it inside my body, my first mission was waking Y/n without her going and wakening Florence. Y/n being four years old, she was having her stage of sleeping with mama and wouldn't sleep in her room for a night so i didn't have to go far. I removed her arm from under her sleeping body and stretched both arms and legs, i rubbed my eyes and looked back down at my peaceful sleeping daughter.

"Y/n, sweet girl, it's time to wake up for mama" I whisper in a sing song voice and run my fingers through her sweaty hair, she does that a lot when she sleeps, sweats, the duvet always ends up on the floor or kicked at the bottom because one of them and Y/n attached to me is like a sauna.

"No mama, Sleepies please" Y/n mumbles moving to lay on her tummy and turn her head away from me, i chuckle running my hands through her hair again and pull her pyjama t-shirt down to cover her back as she shivers.

"Come on baby, we've got to give you a bath and then wake up Auntie Flo-Flo up for her birthday breakfast me and you are going to make baby" I say leaning forward and lifting her onto my lap, she whines lightly before lifting her head up and leaning back to look at me in the eyes tiredly and giving me a small smile which only makes me smile more at her utter cuteness in the mornings.

"Bath first?" She questions looking directly into my eyes, i kiss her forehead and nod my head moving out of bed quietly and moving into my bathroom sitting Y/n on the counter and holding her knee as i start the water. She babbles on randomly about what she dreamt about as i hum and exchange words with her when she asks me small questions. I add some strawberry bubble bath into the water and bringing Y/n down from the counter setting her on her feet.

"Arms up high" I say crouching down to Y/n's height, she yawns and stretching her arms up in the air as high as she could with a small giggle once I've taken her t-shirt off. I move around to take her pants off and then her night diaper which is unsurprisingly filled so i grab a bag and place it in the bin

"In we get" I whisper and place Y/n in the warm bath, she sighs happily reaching across for her toy box and dumping in loads of toys giggling happily but i shush her quickly reminding her that we can not wake up Florence. She quietens down and keeps playing while i leave the bathroom and grabbing some clean clothes for her, and some pyjama pants for me which i forgot to put on before making my way to the bathroom, so i was over in my t-shirt.

I place Y/n's clothes on the sink and sit on the toilet seat slipping on my bottoms as Y/n splashes happily. I keep my eye on her, and once i'm finished i move from the toilet seat to the bath, kneeling down and grabbing a bath sponge and start cleaning Y/n's body down, she tidies up her toys with a big Mohawk shampoo hairstyle making me laugh as she done so.

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