40. baby fever

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𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : baby fever 🥹


scarlett's pov:
I cant lie when i say that my own tiny little bean baby gives me baby fever. Every time i see her little face my heart melts and the little cooing sounds she makes.

The mornings are my favourite, the yawns that come out her mouth are the cutest thing i have ever witnessed, i love her so much and i'm lucky to call her mine.

"Look at you! Yes look at you" I coo in my baby voice and squish her chubby cheeks, Y/n giggles kicking her legs happily and spitting everywhere. I'm trying to make this diaper change fun so she isn't crying and so far i'm doing a good job.

"You smelly, you are very smelly" I tease pinching my nose, Y/n giggles more and i finish wiping her down and am able to get a new diaper onto her. I remove the vest she was wearing and decided that it would be good just for her to roam about in a diaper for now, it's not cold outside and my baby loves having no clothes on.

"Chubby" I mumble with a small smirk, Y/n looks up at me innocently chewing on her fingers and kicking her legs again, i smile widely lifting her off the changing table and onto my front carrying her out the room.

"Ma" Y/n babbles patting her palm against her wet lips as she looks around as i walk downstairs, i bounce her a bit and sit her in her highchair in the kitchen as i start making up some soft food for her.

"Banana" I say placing some down on her try, i give her some yogurt, some more fruit and some water which will end up all down her. I secretly placed a bib around her neck and let her chomp away whilst i made my food.

"Is that ummy" I ask playfully pulling her hair back gently out of her face. She squeals slamming her hands down on the tray excitedly.

"mhm, chop chop eat up baby" I say holding a banana to her lips, she whines leaning her head back and pushing it away, i keep it by her until she sticks her tongue out and opens her mouth.

"Yummy yea-" I'm cut off by Y/n gagging and the banana falling out her mouth, she looks at me innocently again before going back to eating there rest of her breakfast, i guess bananas are a no.

"Bananas are good kid" I murmer taking the bananas from her tray and placing them on my plate. She looks at me sweetly shoving almost a whole strawberry in her mouth making me smile and laugh.

"Let's get you clean up, your so messy!" I tease lifting Y/n out of her highchair and pleading her on the counter, i keep a tight grip on her leg so she doesn't fall while i grab a washcloth.

"I know, mommy's so mean" I pout and finish off washing Y/n's fruity face, she whines and crumpled her face up, shaking it and trying to pull it away as i'm trying to wipe her down.

"All done! Mama's all done" I say picking up Y/n just as she started to cry, i hold her close to me bouncing her as she cries lazily into my shoulder.

"Do you want some milk, you want some milk in that little chubby tummy!" I ask playfully tickling her tummy which makes her giggle, i kiss her cheek and take her over to living room taking a seat on the sofa and grabbing the remote.

"I'm getting it baby" I chuckle as Y/n impatiently tugs at my t-shirt, she starts to whine as i change over the channel then lean back on the sofa with my legs spread down vertically.

"There we are, sh sh. That's it hm" I whisper as Y/n manages to latch onto me and start suckling away eagerly as if she hadn't have her fruity breakfast. Y/n hums sweetly making a few noises as she tugs on my breast trying to look up at the Tv.

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