66. babies get into everything

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𝐀𝐆𝐄 : 1

𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓 : 1 5 2 5



scarlett's pov:
Having a child was one of the best decisions of my life, i've got the cutest little baby girl on my hand and i love her more than my life it's self. I'd say that Y/n is a very adventurous baby, she loves to crawl about and get her hands onto stuff she shouldn't be in.

Normally she'll get herself into food, that's what she does like is food, so anything she sees she'll grab and try to eat it. The one place she loves in this house is my bedroom, weirdly.

I have to keep my stuff hidden away, due to the fact Y/n has been in some drawers that i hope she never goes in again, or else i might have to add about six locks onto it. She clearly doesn't seem to understand not to do it again as she just keeps going and going but, if i doesn't majorly bother me, i don't mind. Also as long as she isn't injuring herself and nothing is dangerous of course.

"Is that yummy, it looks yummy" I coo in my dramatic baby voice feeding Y/n some more of her mushed raspberries as she giggles slamming her hands down on the tray.

"ma-ma" Y/n babbles pointing her finger at me with a massive smile on her face, clearly chowing off her two front teeth. I gasp dramatically making Y/n giggle and lean forward kissing her head.

"That's right, i'm mama. Who's this?" I question pointing my finger back to my daughter. She looks down at my finger curiously before looking back up at me and back down, clearly confused by what i am inquiring.

"Who are you?" I ask trying to make things a bit easier but, my face falls when Y/n doesn't understand what i mean and tilts her head cutely in confusion to my words, which also at the same time makes me smile at her adorableness.

"You're such a cutie! Yes you are" I teases tickling my daughters chin with my fingers, earning the cutest set of giggles from her which only pull me deeper into the love i have for this little baby sitting in front of me.

"Are we all done now? Yeah, we're all down" I coo pinching Y/n's nose, suddenly her eyes go cross eyed and i try my hardest not to coo so loudly and just squish her little body in my arms because she's the cutest little girl i've ever seen.

"Go play baby" I say setting Y/n down on the floor and kissing her cheek, my baby falls to her bottom before pushing herself back up onto her feet and slowly waddling out the room, the baby gate on the stairs is locked so the only place she can discover is the living room as all the other doors to the rooms are shut.

Once i've cleaned up the kitchen from this morning, i choose to go into the living room to have a bit of a rest while Y/n plays, i might take her out to the park in the afternoon maybe so she can wear some of her energy off.

Recently, i've been trying to get her down for a nap at about 10am, as most days we get up at 7/8, but she's been refusing them a lot and just screaming and crying when i out her down, so i've tried 2 afternoon naps and they are going quite well if i say so.

Walking into the living room, i instantly can see that my daughter isn't in here making me confused as the only places she could be is in the kitchen or the living room, and she's not in here and i was just in the kitchen and she wasn't in there.

"Y/n?" I call out, as i do, she responds with giggles which seem far away. I walk back out of the living room and to the stairs, our baby gate's open. How on ear has she managed to open that, surely it wasn't her and i've just not clicked it right.

I sigh making my way upstairs and checking inside every room, but i should've known that she was in mine, because where else would the girl be. I come into my room, and this time, she isn't in my bedroom but is in my en-suite.

"Uh, Hello? What are you doing up here" I say placing my hands on my hip, a mortified looked crossing my face when my girl turns around. I take a few steps closer, entering my bathroom so i can get a better view of Y/n.

She had my thongs on her head, my favourite ones to be precise, she then has another one on her shoulder threaded through her arm, and another one on the other shoulder and arm. Y/n has another pair of my underwear pulled up to her chest through a leg hole, and another pair sitting on her waist, again through the leg hole.

Yet, that's not even the worst part. Looking around the room, i see my things have been taken out of the drawers. I look over the toilet seeing my pads being thrown in there, turning my head i see my tampons all over the ground.

"No, no!" I panic pulling Y/n's hand out her mouth as she decides to munch on one of my tampons. I take a seat on the bathroom floor sighing and just staring at Y/n wondering what to do with her, her head turns to me and she looks up at my with those beautiful big eyes.

"Hi mama!" She waves excitedly flapping her hand, and it takes every muscle in my face not to smile at the cuteness that girl has. Instead i reach forwards bringing her onto my lap, so she was straddling me and so she was facing me.

"Baby, you can't keep coming in mama's room and taking her stuff" I say, not wanting to be mean and upset her but i can't keep coming in here and finding the place a tip after previously riding the same mess up yesterday.

"But toys" Y/n mumbles picking up another one of my tampons and shoving it in my face, i nod my head taking it out her hand and putting it back in the basket under the sink.

"These aren't toys, they are for mama and mama only Y/n. You mustn't touch them anymore, because they aren't a yours and they aren't toys" I say sternly, hoping that she understands me, and that she doesn't think that i'm doing this to be mean.

"And these, these are mama's panties, not yours. You have yours and i have mine, you don't see me taking yours Y/n. So, how about from now on, we stay out of mama's bedroom and play in Y/n's bedroom" I explain, i think i took it quite well, i didn't shout or get angry and i was reasonable.

"No!" My eyes snap open after a previous blink and see my daughter sat with an angry pout on her face, my brows furrow in confusion wondering if she even listening to my instructions that i had given to her.

"Yes Y/n, you have your own toys" I say standing up from the bathroom floor, i sit my daughter on my hip as i swiftly clean up everything she made a mess off. Setting her down on the floor when cleaning out the mess she made in the toilet, i then pick her back up and take her to my bed.

"Let's get these off" I say sitting Y/n on my bed and tugging all my underwear off of her body, she whines kicking her legs not wanting too before erupting into a packet full of loud sobs and cries.

I have to take everything off quickly while she's distracted by crying, once everything has been removed i lift my girl back into my arms, holding her close to my body and rubbing her back comfortingly.

"Mama's not doing it to be a meanie baby" I whisper placing a kiss on the side of Y/n's head, i make my way back downstairs, leaving the mess on my bed to clean up later:

"Ma-ma, big meanie" Y/n hiccups flapping her arms and leaning back in my arms, almost falling out but my grip was strong enough to keep her up and steady. I sigh sitting down on the sofa and laying Y/n on my lap again.

"Oh i know, mama's such a big meanie" I coo attempting to tickle Y/n's stomach but only earning a scream from her, i place her down on the floor giving her butt a playful smack to go play with her toys, i point to them and Y/n's cries come to a hault, she squeals excitedly and runs off to play with them, giving me a glare every so often.


happy easter!

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