Chapter 3

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"May I take my order?" He said, looking at me unimpressed with raised eyebrows. Reiner was leaning on the counter and he was facing the other way, looking at Jiwoo as he continued speaking, as if the person who wanted to order wasn't here.

"The hell? Do I need to talk with that guy? He's around my age if he's Grisha's son, I bet he's some nepotism nerd." My breath hitched as I was looking at the man in front of me. He had no reaction to Reiner's words whatsoever, but I knew I was in deep trouble.

"Does he not know how smart you are? Smart people can mess up sometimes too, you know? But I guess he wouldn't know, he's probably as stupid as a log." Reiner groans, and I closed my eyes. This was just great. Eren, who stood in front of me, chuckled and licked his lips.

"What can I get for you?" I try to not let my voice shake and completely ignore what Reiner has just said. Eren raised his eyebrows, his gaze landing on me. I was sure he would comment on stuff he now heard, but that wasn't the case.

"Black coffee, please." He said as he took out his wallet. I noticed he wasn't in his work clothes anymore, but wore a more casual outfit.

"A-Anything else?" I turn my face to the side and cough uncomfortably.

"Nothing else, Miss Y/N." My heart skips a beat at him calling me by my first name. I gulp and type on the screen with my shaky hand. Reiner must've heard him, because he turned around and looked at him with a confused expression on.

"That would be 2.18 dollars." I say and he hands me his card. I felt his eyes on me, but I was too ashamed to look at him. When I was done, I give him his card and a receipt, and he walks away to the table next to the wall.

I could finally breathe now that he was gone, and I turn around to glare at Reiner, whose eyes were stuck on my professor. I stretch out my arm and flick him on the forehead, to what he flinches. He let out a small "Auch", but I ignored him and went to prepare the coffee.

"What was that for?" He was rubbing his forehead in pain, not knowing what he had just done.

"That, Reiner, was for getting me in more shit with my professor." I try to be calm, because I knew I could scream my lungs out right now. I wanted to go outside and bury myself deep inside the ground, so I wouldn't have to face Eren Yeager again.

I waited for his coffee to be done, meanwhile staring at Reiner who looked like he was getting enlightened. He realized what I meant and made an O with his mouth.

"Wait, that's him?" He pointed at where my professor was sitting. Through my gritted teeth, I say a simple "Yes". Reiner went quiet, and it was what was the best for him. If he said anything else right now, I was sure I would jump on him and pull his hair out.

When the coffee was done, I pour it into a cup that was on a small plate and turn around to grab sugars. As I wanted to place a spoon and sugar packs on the plate, Reiner had already picked it up and carried it to the table.

"What is he-!?" I wanted to run after him and stop him, but that would just create a scene. Instead, I stood in my place unable to move. I watched as he placed the coffee in front of Eren and said something I was unable to hear. Eren looked up at him with his usual, emotionless face and had no reaction. When Reiner was walking back to me I threw daggers his way with my glare.

"Are you insane!?" I whisper yell at him, but he didn't look like he cared. Reiner had a victorious smile on his face, and I didn't like that.

"What did you say to him?" He wanted to walk away, but I grabbed his arm.

"I said 'Enjoy your coffee', what else would I say?" He acts innocent, but I knew him too well to fall for this.

"Reiner..." My voice was threatening, and I knew he was aware of it. He shrugs his shoulders and before I could stop him, he disappears into the back of the cafe. I press my lips together, looking at the spoon and sugar I held in my hands.

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