Chapter 10

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I stood in place for a moment, thinking about what to do. I had no time to go to another store, but it would be weird if I wore this dress to a date with Jean. It would be weird to wear it to any occasion, since I wasn't the one who bought it.

I couldn't take my eyes off of the bag the whole ride. The dress was so expensive, I felt like I had to watch it the whole time so something wouldn't damage it. I was also thinking about him. How he was watching me when I had this dress on... My chest warmed up at sudden thoughts that I try to push away immediately.

I came back to my apartment at around 5 PM, which was still pretty early to start getting ready. I managed to turn on my phone and when the screen lighted up, a text from Jean appeared:

"Can't wait to see you tonight xx" I grin and sent him a smiling emoji. I definitely didn't feel anything for Jean, but maybe after tonight some feeling arise.

MR. YEAGER'S POV - At the store

I hurriedly walked towards the café in the city center. I completely forgot I was meeting one of my longest friends I hadn't seen in a while, so I had to cancel plans with Elena. She didn't look happy, but her mood got better when I invited her out to dinner tonight.

As I passed next to a small boutique, I halt when I looked inside it. I have no idea how it was possible, but I'm 99% sure I saw Y/N in there. I look around me and then at my wrist watch. I had no more than five minutes to spare, and I didn't hesitate for a second to go inside.

She was gone when I went through the door, so I had to act like I was looking for something. The woman who worked there offered me help, but I said I was good on my own. I wasn't. This is literally only girls clothing here. More like just fancy dresses, which was making me wonder what Y/N was dressing up for.

I nonchalantly take a black dress, so it would at least look like I'm searching for something. In the corner of my eye, I saw the dressing cabin open and there she was. She stood outside and looked at herself in the mirror. She was doing the same thing I was right now - scanning her whole body without shame.

I realized she caught me and I froze in place. Suddenly, my body started moving on its own towards her. She never looked away from me.

"Mr. Yeager, can I help you with something?" She said as she turned around. Fuck... She was... wow...

I knew she noticed I was staring, but I couldn't help it. Her face, her body, legs...
I didn't know where to look first and longest. She was a perfect woman in my eyes. However, I still managed to clear my throat and say:

"Do you think Elena would like this, Miss Y/N?" I have no idea how that exact sentence came to my mind, but it did. And I had no shame in saying it out loud to her. I lift up the dress I carried for no reason and follow her eyes that look at it. A bit of something like disappointment flashed in her eyes, but she was quick to mask her reaction.

"Why didn't you come with her so she
could tell you herself?" The question that left her lips made me chuckle. Is it just me, or is the girl in front of me a little jealous? To think she feels that way would come as relief to me, because that would mean she cares.

"Well, do you like it?" This time, her reaction to my question was stronger. She turns around to roll her eyes at me. She probably thought I wouldn't see that. If we were in class right now, and if she wouldn't be my favorite student, I definitely wouldn't hold back.

"Since when does my opinion matter, Mr.
Yeager?" Her words just managed to change my mood drastically. I don't know why it has angered me so much she thought that, but it did. More than I wanted. I clench my teeth so much it began hurting.

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