Chapter 4

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"Good morning, Miss Y/N." My body flinched at the sound of his voice. He didn't look at me, but he obviously noticed I stood here and stared at him. Shit... I clear my throat and go over to his table.

"Good morning, I thought I would come earlier to give you... all of this." I started taking out the papers from my bag. He still didn't look at me. It was like he was ignoring me, so when I was placing down the last stack, I made sure I slam it a bit. These took solid 2 years from my life, I'm making sure he notices it.

And he did. When I crossed my hands on my chest, he took off his glasses and looked up at me. I was looking down at him... and I liked it too much. He studied my face for awhile and I wasn't ashamed to do so as well to his.

"Why does he have to be so..." My thoughts were interrupted by him opening his mouth.

"Don't fall asleep in my class." He says and shifts his attention back to what he was doing before. I furrowed my eyebrows, watching him ignore my existence again.

"Excuse me?" I wasn't going to let that one go without explanation. He looks up again while pressing his lips together.

"I'm sure you know this, but you look like you haven't slept all night." He states, as if it was the most normal thing for a professor to say to his student.

"And by your extremely messy handwriting-" He lifts up a few papers from the stack in front of him and continues. "I can tell these were made last minute."

I was left speechless. Did he seriously just say that? It didn't look like a big deal to him though, he actually looked like he enjoyed this. Hundreds of words were on my mind right now - all of them too inappropriate to be said out loud. So, instead of cursing him out, I smile and try not to kill the man in front of me.

"Mr. Yeager..." Something about the way his eyes change when I call him that is different. I continue anyway. "I've done my part. Messy or not, it is readable. I know it because I checked it." I maintain my calm voice and lift up my chin for few centimeters.

"And don't you think it's a bit inappropriate to comment on my appearance?" I didn't know if I should add that sentence or not, but it ended up coming out of my mouth. I was way too tired to think about the consequences.

A smirk appears on his handsome face, and I took a step back when he stands up and goes around his table to stop right in front of me. He was silent for a few moments, which only made me feel more nervous.

"Miss. Y/N, don't be too sensitive about my remarks. They are both clearly true, and sometimes the truth is not what we want to hear." He tried to sound like he was explaining it to a five year old. This only got me more heated.

"I know that very well, but there is a thing called 'being professional', and that's not something you're showing right now." I was glaring at him so hard, hoping he would feel intimated. Yeah, that's not gonna happen. He chuckles, but speaks immediately.

"Oh, no no, I think I know exactly what this thing is actually called." He leans on his table and mirrors my crossed arms.

"It's called 'I can't stand when someone thinks I'm not perfectly perfect- syndrome."

I felt my hand tightened into a fist. What the hell was his problem? Is he naturally a jerk? Does he walk this world, being mean to everyone in the same time? Although I tried not to show it, his words did sting a little. I breathe in to say something, but he interrupted me.

"Back to your seat, please." His tone changed completely. He spun around and sat back down, and only now I noticed students coming in. Everyone sat down in further rows, leaving the front ones empty. I scanned the upper area for an empty spot, finally seeing one. As I was about to start walking, I hear his voice.

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