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Mateo V.

I watch as she walks off into the bathroom.

To be honest, I like her company. She's really sweet but her demeanor is sad. I mean mines would be to if my mom died but it seems like she's taking way harder than any one else would.

Not saying she shouldn't be taking it as hard

I don't like how her 'friends' can't even notice that she really needs someone to talk to. They always ask if she's okay but never make sure she's 100% okay

Okay yes, I know everyone has their own shit to deal with but c'mon! You're friend lost her mom who she obviously was close with and you're dragging her through the mall??

And then they don't even notice when she gets sad or overwhelmed.

This is why I keep my circle small. I'm only close with Jeremiah and that's it

Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of friends but I'm only close with Jeremiah. We have a lot in common and he's the only one who knows my dad is a mafia leader

He's the only person I can trust enough and I'm happy about that.

The bathroom door opens and Lylah comes out with a white towel patting her face dry.

"So about the house" I start making her look at me

"It's 2 parts of the house, 1 with 3 bedrooms 4 bathrooms and the indoor pool. And the other part is with the other 3 bedrooms but only 2 bathrooms and instead of the pool it's a gaming room and movie room" she slowly nods at me

"So which one do you want to stay in?" I ask her. She thinks about it for a moment then answers "The one with the pool"

As I watch her answer I can see that she was crying in the bathroom. Her eyes are red and watery and also her cheeks and nose are red

"Okay" I nod and she sits down

"Wait we should each get our own part because it would be less weirder and plus I have a boyfriend. Wouldn't your girlfriend mind" she asks rubbing green gel on her face

What the fuck. Is that some type of face mask

"Reasons why we aren't getting our own part and no. I don't do relationships" she raises her eyebrows before quickly dropping them and nodding

"I'm gonna go get some water. You want some?" She shakes her head and I walk out hearing her phone ding

As I'm walking down the stairs I hear Lylahs dad talking about a Cartel.

Cartel. That's mafia related

I listen for a few minutes and realize why Zion wants her living with me. Her protection and her dad is the Mexican Mafia leader Carlos Santos

Why doesn't she have her dads last name

I decide to say fuck it to the water and walk back upstairs

I was about to say something to Lylah but her sobs cut me off. I stand in the doorway and watch as she looks at something on her phone and cries even harder

She dials a number and when it answers she immediately spits it out

"He cheated!! Multiple times" I hear her voice break and immediately feel bad for her

No girl, or boy, deserves that. If you do that to someone, you're a heartless bitch. Simple as that

I knew some shit was up when she was talking about it earlier. Lylah doesn't deserve this. Her mom died for Christ sake. And obviously recently because of how she's taking it

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