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Lylah W.

Its been a month since we got discharged from the hospital and to say I'm stressed is an understatement

Breastfeeding by itself is tiring and I tried pumping but she won't drink out of a bottle which means I'm getting my tit sucked every 3 hours

I sold all the clothes I bought before she was born since the dumbass doctor I went to lied to me

I moved out of my apartment 2 weeks ago since it was hard for Mateo to see her cause his warehouse is 20 minutes from the mansion and my apartment is 20 minutes from the mansion and he was too tired to keep driving so I moved back in

Everyone loves Havyn. She's so spoiled now since everyone is always holding her. She won't fall asleep unless she's in someone's arms

Right now she's down for a nap in her nursery which is right next door to my room and across from Mateos room

Right now she's down for a nap in her nursery which is right next door to my room and across from Mateos room

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Elena did a good job at hiring people to work on it. It's pretty as fuck

Mateo is gone and I'm trying to get rest

I would've put her in her bassinet near my bed but she wakes up faster in that

Everyone is in there rooms or doing something else

Zion comes to visit every weekend and so does Luca. Mateo was against it at first but just let him

Mateo loves his daughter. More than me I think. When he comes in the first thing he does is pick her up and hold her then kisses me. It's funny to me though. He literally snatched her out of my hands when he comes home. I'm not complaining though

We've mended our relationship over this past month and it's been going good so far. There's a couple of small arguments here and there but it's mostly because of the stress

He says he wants another child but I definitely want to wait. My birthing experience is traumatizing as fuck and plus I want to wait until Havyn is atleast 2 years old

As soon as I start to doze off the baby monitor goes off and I groan as I hear crying

Breastfeeding time

I get up and head out my room and into hers

She's screaming at this point so I rush over there and gently pick her up

I rock her in my arms until she calms down

Once she's quiet, I turn around and take her to my room

I prop her up and pull my boob out of my tank top

She latches on pretty quick and the pressure makes me wince. My boobs are so sore that just feeding her is uncomfortable

She finishes eating and I put her on my shoulder and pat her back lightly

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