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Lylah W.

Its only morning and I'm already stressed out.

No one wants to go to the store to get food for the house which is fucking stupid because everyone likes to everything up

Mateo is giving Junior a hard time because he thinks Junior still wants me. But like he cheated on me multiple times throughout our relationship so I don't think he does

Ella is always in peoples business and can never shut up. Novah and her got into an argument because Novah is sick of her shit and that caused Paxton and Junior to argue

Paxton told Junior he needs to get Ella and Junior got mad because he claims Ella just wants to be nice

So now it's tension with everyone and I'm honestly tired of it

"What are you doing" Mateo asks walking into my room. He still has on his gym outfit

I smile at him since I haven't seen him all day and he gives me a kiss

"Cleaning up" I say looking at my messy ass room

I haven't had time to clean it because I've been busy with work and other shit. There's clothes all over the floor and everything is out of place

"Want help" he asks standing infront of me. I'm folding clothes, seated on my bed

"No it's fine" I say and he laughs "Good cause I hate folding clothes" I look at him with an eyebrow raised

"I can tell" I say referring to his closet. He has his hoodies and shirts hung up but his pants are just thrown in a basket

"Anyways, you wanna go get breakfast and run errands with me?" He asks and I look around "I would if I could"

"Just take a break and come on" he says walking closer to me making me have to crane my neck up to look at him

"But I know I'm not gonna finish in here" I fake whine

"Yes you are come on" he says grabbing my hands. I look at him for a second and roll my eyes

"Fine" I groan standing up

"I'm gonna go shower" he says walking out of my room

I showered this morning so I walk into my closet to find something to wear

After what feels like 30 minutes I decide on an outfit

I put on a long sleeve cropped white shirt with some blue jeans and pair it with some uggs

I put on a long sleeve cropped white shirt with some blue jeans and pair it with some uggs

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I walk over to my vanity and sit down to do my hair

I'm just gonna leave it alone since it's still a little wet. I put a little bit of gel in it and brush it out

Once I'm done I put on mascara and Vaseline  chapstick

"Can you help me" I ask Mateo when he walks in

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