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Lylah W

Today was going good so far until now since it's getting closer to night

Mateo leaves tonight and I'm honestly sad. This will be the longest I haven't seen him while we were together

He's been extra clingy these past 2 days and I love it. We literally stayed with each other all day. He didn't even go to work

Right now, we all are watching a movie together. Mateo leaves at 10 and it's 5

Junior and Ella went to a hotel for some whatever reason so now it's just the rest of us

We've been watching movies all day and I'm getting tired

I turn my head away from the movie and snuggle into Mateos chest

"Tired" he asks softly and I nod

"Look" he says and I look at him but he's looking behind me

I turn my head and see everyone asleep

"Can we go to the room" I ask looking at him and he nods

I stand up and start walking but he grabs my hand turning me around

Before I can say anything he lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist so I won't fall

"Put me down" he shakes his head starting to walk

I unwrap my legs from around him trying to get down but he stops and pushes me back up

"Mateo stop" I say seriously but he continues to walk

I know I'm not fat but I'm not skinny either and I don't like being picked up

"Please" I say as we stand in his doorway

He looks at me but this time his smile is gone "What's wrong" I slide down again and this time he lets me

"I'm too heavy" I say and he frowns "What?" He asks

He talks again before I can respond "No you're not"

He walks in the room and I follow him "Yes I am"

Don't get me wrong, I love my body but some times I wish I was smaller

"There's nothing wrong with you Lylah" he sits on the side of the bed and looks at me

"My thighs are fat as shit and I look bloated half the time" I say going to lay down in the other side

My thighs are my biggest insecurity. That and my arms

"Lylah you're the prettiest thing I've ever laid my eyes on. You're thighs are amazing, they fit you well and you don't look bloated. You're just thick. Thick in a good way. Please don't ever talk about yourself like that" he says looking at me seriously

I stare at him for a moment then I smile and nod my head

"You're beautiful" he says as he goes to lay down next to me

"Don't ever forget that"


Mateo V.

I watch as Lylah sleeps peacefully, holding onto me like if she lets go I'm gonna vanish

I love watching her sleep because that's when she's relaxed and not stressed about anything

That's why I really don't want to leave her. She tends to stress about the little things and when she stresses she gets overwhelmed and then that leads to her panic attacks

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