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Lylah W.

I fucking hate life right now

I can't stop throwing up. My fucking head hurts and Havyn is teething

She's four months now and she has an attitude problem

She gets it from her dad

Her face is always in RBF mode. And most of the time she doesn't let anyone hold her besides me and Mateo

Her doctor said it's because she's teething and is in pain. Which I definitely believe because she's always crying

And it doesn't help that im sick right now

Every time I get sick all I do is sleep. Now that I have a baby I can't do that and I literally force myself to eat so I can produce enough milk

Right now Havyn is sleep in Mateos arms as we watch Shameless

Usually I cuddle Mateo but some creature that came out of my stomach decided to take my cuddle buddy

Havyn Aurora-Jade Villa

Not that I can cuddle with him anyways because I'm sick but still

But him holding her in his arms is so cute to me

Blood from Lips face on the tv makes my stomach turn and I immediately run to the toilet

Throw up comes out of my mouth before I can even process anything and I start gagging

Mateo comes in and holds my hair back and I'm over the toilet for about 10 minutes

After im done I lean my head back on his legs

This can not be true

"Are you thinking what im thinking" he asks and I nod

"You're pregnant as fuck" he laughs and I slap his legs

"I fucking hate you Mateo" I say holding my stomach

"What did I do" he asks dumbfounded

"You don't know how to keep it in your pants" I groan


We were right. I'm pregnant, again

1 month to be exact

When the doctor told me I started crying

I don't know why but there were tears

Mateo is excited. He can't wait to tell everyone

I can

We're on our way home right now. Havyn is in her car seat chewing on some toys as Mateo drives

"I hope it's a girl" he says and I laugh

"It's definitely gonna be a boy" I say

"Let's make a bet" I groan "First I want to hear it"

"If it's a girl we're having 6 kids altogether in the future and if it's a boy we can have however many you want then I'll get a vasectomy" he says and I nod

"I want 0 more"

We pull up to the house and I get Havyn out of her car seat and we walk to the door

Everyone is in the living room and they look towards us

"Guess what" Mateo says excitedly

They look at him confused and I laugh

"I'm pregnant again" I say and they all look at me in shock

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