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Lylah W.l

(1 year later)

I love my life. Everything is so great right  onnow. I couldn't ask for better

Havyn is so smart. She can eat on her own and everything. She even started walking a few months ago and now she's running

I get out of breath chasing her through the halls of our house

Hendryx is 2 months now and he's literally so adorable. He has my eyes and him and Havyn looks just alike

Havyn loves her baby brother. She always tries to pick him up and kiss him shit, it's so cute

Today we're going to see Desarea's twins. She had 2 boys. They were in the NICU for a month or so. Their names are Zaydon and Zealand

Novah had a boy also. He was born like a few months before Hendryx. He's literally so gorgeous. His name is Dakota

I find it funny how I'm the only one who had a girl first but we all had boys around the same time

We all moved out of the mansion but we still live close

We live in a house that's big enough for our family. Mateo wants to buy the house but it's only 4 bedrooms and I like have guests over and shit and I also don't think I want to live here forever. He says he can always just buy another house but I think that would be a waste of money and it's only nice living here for now.

Mateo is at work right now. He's been working late ass hours and yes it does get stressful for me but I mean he does run a Mafia

I'm in the living room with the kids. Hendryx is sleep in my arms and Havyn is playing with toys on the floor

My mom and dad are supposed to be coming today but I don't know how true that is because they always cancel

Havyn is in love with her grandma and always cry when they have to leave. I would let her stay the night with them but I'm too worried

I know nothing is gonna happen but I would probably cry myself to sleep

The front door opens and Mateo walks in

"Hey baby" I say and he smiles "Hey"

He walks over to me and pecks my lips

"She's knocked out" he says looking at Havyn

She's passed out on the floor with her ass in the air

We both laugh at her and he picks her up

He leans down and kisses Hendryx making him move in his sleep

"You're getting him if he cries" I immediately say

He starts whining before he's full on crying and I hand him to Mateo

Havyn wakes up and stares at her brother making me laugh  mb

She still has that resting bitch face

I take Havyn from him and she snuggles against my chest

"Why are you home so early" I ask since it's only 3pm

"Well" he starts "I've been working late so I can take a week vacation" I look at him in shock

"You won't be at work" I say excitedly and he nods

Before I can say anything the doorbell rings and I frown

Havyn jumps out of my arms and runs to the door and I follow her

"Who is it" I ask as I look out the peep hole

I hear a muffled "Your parents" and open the door

"Ma- Ma" Havyn yells as she reaches for her

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