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Lylah W.

The thing I hate most about being sick, is having to stay home, in your room all day just so no one else will get it

Well Mateos room

I don't even care about me being sick

Schools been going on for almost two months now and me and Mateo have been dating for a month and a half

Every thing has been going good so far. He's just only here at night, around 7 and on the weekends

I'm not tripping though because I see him at school all the time

Right now everyone is gone since, it's a Friday. Elena and Luca are at work and Mateo is training

I've been having nightmares again. They stopped for a little bit but now they're back

Mateo thinks it's because well she's been gone for three months and the fact that my dad isn't getting any better

His doctor said he's still having thoughts about suicide and he's still very depressed, like a bad depressed

I stopped seeing him everyday now I only see him on Sundays, the sundays I actually go

I know it's kinda selfish of me to think like this but I feel like it's selfish of him for wanting to die because my mom did

It makes me feel like I'm not enough for him

Like I'm not a good enough reason to not die

I don't know

I haven't seen him in 2 weeks and that's probably what's triggering my depression

A few weeks ago Elena took me to the doctors and I was diagnosed with depression and now I have to take antidepressants but it's not like bad depression so I guess that's a good thing

I think me going through that has made Mateo anxious. He's been drinking a lot more and he doesn't care that his mom knows

His dad doesn't do anything about it even though it's HIS underage child drinking

I can't really do much because what would I say 'Oh stop drinking or we're gonna break up' like what

Elena understands why he does it, it's just the principle

Everyone knows me and Mateo date, even Junior. He transferred to our school a little bit ago

I was shocked because I actually thought Mateo killed him

My door opens and Mateo walks in, carrying packages. "What did you order" he asks setting the boxes down

Before I can answer he walks over time and places a kiss on my lips

"Skincare products" he nods "For what? You're skin is already clear" I look up from my homework

"It's just stuff to make sure my face is hydrated" I tell him. He nods then takes a seat on my bed

"You seem stressed" he looks at me and I notice he still has his gym clothes on

"I am! My head hurts like a bitch, I have all this work to catch up on and on top of that, I'm sick as fuck" she says annoyed

"Just take a break" I say taking away her worksheet and pencil "Mateoooo" I whines

"Lylah come on! Go do something else to take your mind off this" I think about his words and groan "You're always right" i roll my eyes and slump down for a little

"I guess I could shower" I say looking at Mateo "Mhm, go shower then" he says as I'm already up and walking to the bathroom

I playfully roll my eyes and shut the door

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