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Lylah W.

A man with a mask push me into a van as I scream and cry

They're leaving my baby there to die

I shout and scream the whole way until the car parks

Then man yanks me out of the car and I cry even harder when I realize where I'm at

Did he plan this whole thing

My heart hurts as I think about a thousand things at once

Why would i be at Paxtons old house

The man pushes opens the door and I see Paxton walking towards me

"Oh Lylah, why are you crying my dear"

"Why am I here" I ask angrily

"We'll get to that" he grabs my arm tightly and drags me to the couch before pushing me down and hitting me across my head with something

I wake up with a pounding headache and groan

I notice that my hands are tied up behind my back and Paxton comes in the room and sits me up then sits across from me

"You see Lylah, you've been ignoring me the whole time we've been friends. You never noticed how much I love you. I thought once you and Junior were done then you'll finally see me as more than just your friend" he says and I frown

"You're with Novah"

"That was fake. I don't really love her and I don't even care for her. You should feel the same way since she's pregnant with your exes baby" he says and I look at him with wide eyes

"No she's not" I say in disbelief

He pulls out his phone and reads me text messages between the two and shows me pictures of them together

I lean back in shock

Why wouldn't she tell me

"Do you still "love" and "care" for her now" I roll my eyes at him

"Yes I do! Who am I to stop a relationship when I'm happy with the one I have"

He looks at me angrily but before he can say anything his phone rings

"What do you want" he answers

"There's nothing to talk about Novah. I don't want you, I never did" he says

I scream Novahs name and he pulls out a gun and points it at my stomach

"You don't need to be involved" I hear him say as I cry. All I can think about is my baby

"I'll text you the destination and I swear if you're playing with me I will kill you and the baby" he says before hanging up

"You should really hate her now, she's coming to help" I cry even more

Before I know it, he's grabbing me again and trying to take me upstairs but I protest

I scream pull away until I finally get out of his grip and try to run but he hits me with his gun and my vision gets blurry

My headache is even worse when I wake up

My hands and legs are tied up to a bed and he's unbuckling his pants

"Finally" he says as he stalks towards me and goes to take my pants off

I kick as much as I can and he moves back

Through Trials and TribulationsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang