Chapter 10: My Ride Or Die

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Another cover design by my brother!

These pictures in no way correspond with the chapter of the book I just think they're pretty! ☺️

I'm in the middle of a nice dream when I feel this weight on my chest. I open my eyes and find Logan, (my dog) sitting on me. "What time is it Logan?" I roll over and check my phone.

"Crap!" I leap out of bed and run to the bathroom. My alarm didn't go off so now I only have less than 15 minutes to get ready.

Once I finish in the bathroom I go to my room to get dressed. I put on a pair of jeans and a cute gray tank top that almost touches the waistband of my jeans.

I look in the mirror and then run to my closet to grab a flannel to wear over my tank top so it covers my shoulders.

I was not in the mood to get dress coded.

To quote my principal. "Girls have to cover their shoulders because they are too distracting."

And how is that my problem?

I hear a car pull up in the driveway so I look out my window and see Wyatt's Jeep parking in the driveway. What is he doing here? I still have seven minutes till 7:30.

He gets out of his car and walks towards the front door. I don't want to be late so I open my window and yell, "Wyatt!"

He looks around. "Wyatt up here!"

He finally looks up at me. "Katie?"

"Don't come inside, wait in the car!"

He looks confused. "But!-"

I interrupt him. "Just wait in the car," I yell and shut the window.

I turn back to the mirror and finish getting ready.

I run downstairs to find some type of breakfast, but as soon as I walk into the kitchen Derek is looking out the blinds. "So, who's in the driveway? Do you know them?"

I take a pack of peanut butter crackers from the cabinet and walk to the door ignoring Derek.
"Ah, I see you do know them, you don't have your keys."

I stop to look at him while sighing, "It's Wyatt, he's taking me to school."

He dramatically gasps. "You do have a boyfriend!"

"I don't - look we're not dating and I'm going to tell Dad."

He gets very serious. "You tell him tonight or I do."

I unlock the front door. "Deal." I am not looking forward to tonight.

When I get to Wyatt's car I realize how high up it is. I'm not short, but I'm not super tall either, (I'm 5/5) so I have to grab the handlebar and pull myself in.

I hear Wyatt snickering. (literally snickering like a villain.) "Do you need help?"

"No." I get in and close the door.

"Why did you tell me not to come to the door?" Wyatt asks while I buckle my set belt.

I take a quick glance around his car which is surprisingly neat.

Unlike Tyler's car which looks like a bomb exploded.

"Because my brother would've wanted to talk to you, it would have been this huge interrogation. Long story short we would be late for school."

He turns his blinker on and turns onto a different road. "I take it you haven't told them yet."

I look down. "Yeah, I'm going to tell my dad tonight. He'll want to meet you, so you might be joining us for dinner tomorrow."

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