Chapter 41: Nah, Im royally screwed

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It is my last class before lunch and I'm scrolling through my emails. It has been three months since I applied to Clearbrook and still no response.

I know I probably didn't get in, but an, 'I'm sorry we didn't accept you' letter would be nice.

As I walk out the door and into the hall I feel arms snake around my waist and turn me around.

"Baby, I missed you so much," Wyatt says into my hair.

I giggle and push away from him slightly.
I realize that was a bad idea because now I am between him and a wall.

"How could you have missed me?"

"You walked me to class an hour ago," I say fighting a smile. It's hard pretending to be annoyed with him.

"Exactly." I roll my eyes and Wyatt steps closer to me.

"Ryan invited me and a few friends to go see a movie tonight." His eyes stare into mine. "Want to come?"

I raise an eyebrow. "Who's all going?"

Wyatt takes a shaky breath. "Ryan, Gloria, Stacy, and two other people."

I frown. "I don't know Wyatt. Voluntarily spending time with a she-devil is not something I would like to do."

Wyatt makes puppy dog eyes. "Come on Kate, I'll be there."

I grin. "And that's supposed to be the selling point of this idea."

Wyatt's eyes harden and he backs away from me. "Katie, I'm being serious. If you don't want to go just say it. Don't make stupid comments about it."

I reach toward him, but he walks down the hall.

Some cheerleader snarls at me as I race by her.

Crap. Katie, why do you have to say every sarcastic joke that floats into your head?

"Wyatt! Wyatt wait!" I run down the hall and stop in front of his locker.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that," I say out of breath.

"I get you don't want to go it's fine, but you don't have to make everything a joke." Wyatt snaps. I see hurt flash across his eyes for a moment.

I feel my face fall. He did have a point. Whenever something I don't like or don't want to do came up I say something sarcastic instead of saying my feelings.

"Wyatt, Stacy has always been mean to me and the thought of voluntarily spending time with her makes me sick," I say staring into Wyatt's eyes.

Shockingly the scowl Wyatt is sporting leaves and a small smile appears. "I know, but Ryan invited me and I don't know if I'll be able to go without you. For the past two years, I've actively avoided him."

Because he reminds him of his dad.

"Wait, is the reason you want me to go because I'm your 'pretend girlfriend'?" I ask and a flock of butterflies erupts in my stomach hoping that's not the reason.

"Well... it would be weird if my girlfriend didn't go, but I want you to come with me because you're my best friend," Wyatt says with his eyes staring into mine.

It's hard to believe one sentence can leave you completely speechless. I didn't have one snarky, sarcastic comment.

I think my insides are mush.

I smile and take a step toward him. "I would love to go and be your emotional support blanket."

What? If I think hard enough I'll eventually come up with some type of witty comment.

After lunch, Wyatt and I are walking towards lockers holding hands.

Holding his hand still gives me goosebumps. Shocking I know.

His hand fit perfectly in mine. I know that sounds cliché but I'm completely serious.

"Hey Wyatt, how are you doing?." An overly high-pitched voice asks.

I shut my locker and see a girl standing in front of Wyatt. She's around my height with light brown hair that fell to her mid-back.

She could be my twin except her lips are abnormally big. Like lip injections gone bad.

"Uh, I'm doing good."

"Do I know you?" Wyatt asks the girl.

"Oh silly, remember I moved here this summer. I was at Ryan's back-to-school party. You talked to me for a while." She says twirling a strand of hair around her finger.

She means the party where he made out with Stacy.

"Yeah, your Mandy right," Wyatt says flashing his signature smile, but unlike with me, it seems very forced.

"Sophie actually, but it doesn't matter."

She plasters on a smile. "I'm on the cheer team and I'm having trouble with one stunt and I'm the flyer. I was wondering if you could help me since it's a two-person stunt."

I feel every muscle in my body tightens. This bitch is trying to ask out my boyfriend in front of me!

"I don't think I can, I'm so busy at the moment," Wyatt says and I take it as my cue to make myself known.

I wrap an arm around his waist and nuzzle my head into his side. Sophie glares at me then looks back at Wyatt with a fake smile.

"Well, if you ever have time let me know. I'll see you tonight." With that, she turns around and sashays away.

I guess she's one of the other people that is joining us tonight.

The bell rings warning we have five minutes till class.

"I'll see you after school, I have a paper to turn in," Wyatt tells me and runs down the hall.

Tyler and Izzy walk up beside me and I can't look at them. "Is it just me or did that girl look exactly-"

"Like me, but a prettier version," I say dryly, finishing Tyler's sentence.

I walk away as fast as I can. "Kat, that's not what I was going to say," Tyler yells.

"Yeah Katie, he shouldn't have opened his big, fat mouth!" Izzy adds glaring at Tyler.

"You didn't have to say it; it was obvious," I say quietly and walk into my class.

It takes everything in me not to cry during class. To make things worse Tyler and Izzy keep texting telling me how wrong I was.

I wasn't wrong, it's obvious. We are the same height and have the same hair color, but unlike mine, Sophie's hair is smooth and silky.

Also unlike me, she is little, petite and I don't mean height little. She probably weighed twelve pounds lighter than I do.

Working with horses you develop a lot of muscle. I have big arms from lifting hay and big legs from riding. Sophie had neither, she is the definition of a bathing suit model.

While I'm closed off and sarcastic she's peppy and outgoing. Wyatt would have to be blind not to see it.

I can't believe I thought I had a chance at being with him. What really makes the depressive feelings kick in is that I'm going to have to spend most of the evening watching her flirt and flaunt around Wyatt.

Maybe I could say I'm sick or don't feel good.
But that means I would have to stay home and I can't ride Ripley like I was going to before the movie.

I could say I hurt myself after I ride.

Nah, I am royally screwed.

In no way shape or form is this body shaming people that have muscles or are skinny.

These are insecurities that Katie has.

There is nothing wrong with having a lot of muscles or being skinny. All body's are beautiful!

Well, You Fooled MeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin