Chapter 50: Im your sponsor today

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I'm on my way to Wyatt's house to pick him up for school. Since his mom's car is still under repair he left his Jeep with her to drive.

As I park my truck Wyatt comes out his front door and points at me while mouthing, "I'm driving."

Normally I would act all stubborn and put up a fight, but honestly, I didn't feel like driving.

I unbuckle my seat belt and move to the passenger seat.

"Hey sleeping beauty, did you sleep well?" Wyatt teases.

I groan. "I can't believe I fell asleep while watching that movie. I don't know what can over me I never fall asleep during movies."

Except when I watch them with you, I add in my head.

Wyatt chuckles as he backs out of his driveway. "Good thing you're a cute sleeper."

I roll my eyes.

But a flock of butterflies decides now is a great time to migrate to my chest.

"Do girls really like it when guys mess with their hair?" Wyatt asks.

"Yes." God, if Wyatt decides to run his fingers through mine I might melt.

Just thinking about it sends my nerves into overdrive.

"Hmm." Wyatt hums.

After I get my book from my locker we head off to Izzy's locker.

We find her digging through her locker with a scowl.

"Iz, what's the matter?" I ask.

She stops to look up at me. "Your idiot friend, that just so happens to be my boyfriend. That's what."

I just nod my head and Wyatt wraps his arm around me. I feel goosebumps race across my arms and up the back of my neck.

"What happened?" Wyatt asks casually.

Meanwhile, my entire body is short-circuiting.

"It's more along the lines of what didn't happen," Izzy mutters as she goes back to rummaging through her locker.

"Izzy, what are you looking for?" I ask while putting a hand on her shoulder.

"This," Izzy says as she holds up a squished granola bar.

She slams her locker shut and her eyes dart towards me and then back to Wyatt. "Y'all always look so cute together."

Wyatt lets out a chuckle and I take Izzy's hand. "Why don't I walk you to class? I have a paper I have to hand in anyway."

When she's like this is hard to tell what might slip out of her mouth.

Izzy gives me a confused look. "But you don't have history first period."

"I know but I have a paper to turn in before school starts," I say through clenched teeth.

Izzy still looks confused then she suddenly smirks. What I'm saying finally clicked in her mind.

I pull her away from Wyatt before she embarrasses me. "I'll see you in class Just Wyatt," I call over my shoulder.

Wyatt waves.

"Katie, did you have to extend your essay assignment?" Izzy asks in a very high-pitched voice.

I sigh. "Yeah, I did. It's not that big of a deal."

Izzy stops me. "Yes! It! Is!"

She calms her face. "Not once in the three years we've been in high school have you done that."

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