Chapter 48: A gas station brownie

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It's Tuesday and I'm currently sitting in Katie's driveway to pick her up for school.

Saturday Katie and her friends, well I should say my friends now went thrift shopping.

It was fun till Tyler bought a toy train that had very old strong-smelling cologne in it. Which spilled all over Izzy.

I also bought jeans and when we got back into the car I realized they didn't have a zipper.

I didn't see Katie Sunday because she and Izzy were at the barn all day. Monday we saw each other at lunch but afterward, I had to help a friend.

Weirdly I missed Katie even though I saw her yesterday.

And now If she doesn't hurry up we're going to be late.

Finally, I see her slam the front door shut and jog to my car. She looks pissed.

Huh, wonder what's wrong.

"Hey baby, what's wrong?" I ask after she climbs into my car.

Katie sighs as she buckles her seatbelt. "My idiot brother forgot to wash clothes last night and I didn't have any jeans to wear today. Now I have to wear these stupid pants."

After I pull out of their driveway I glance at Katie.

She is wearing an oversized green sweater and black leggings that flare at the bottom. I thought she looked cute.

Cute isn't the right word. She looked hot.

"I think you look cute," I say and I feel my ears turn red.

Katie rolls her eyes at me. Wow, it's been a while since I've received an eye roll from her. Is it weird that I find it kind of sexy?

Wyatt parks in his usual parking space and I grab my bag, ready to jump out of the car before he can open my door.

Wyatt notices me and cuts his car off and opens his door. He locks the doors before I can open mine.

I try to unlock it from the inside but the plastic is broken so I can't grab ahold of it.

Wyatt walks around the front of the car with a smirk.

He opens my door. "My lady," He says bowing.

It takes everything I have not to smile, instead, I shot him a death glare.

"Why are you so intent on opening my door?" I ask while sitting in the seat with my arms folded.

"Because I'm a gentleman and you deserve princess treatment."

I feel my mouth open and Wyatt gives me his signature smile that normally would melt my insides if I wasn't so pissed.

I slide out of his car. "I'm not your princess."

Wyatt stands in front of me so I can't move.
"Oh, but you are."

I tilt my head to the side. "So princes lock their princess in a car?"

Wyatt smiles a teasing smile. "If there's danger they do. Your safety is my top priority."

I try to look pissed but it was damn hard. I've always been independent and never needed anyone, but Wyatt is crumbling my walls down.

I push him out of the way causing him to chuckle.

He reaches into his car to grab his bag.

As he locks his car I get a wicked idea.

While his back is to me I jump onto it.

He stumbles forward and I wrap my legs around him tightly.

"Kate, what are you doing?" Wyatt asks slightly out of breath.

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