Chapter 65: Has been absolute hell 

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"Margret, you really want me to sit with you?" I ask.

Margret smiles. "Of course."

I sit down and the guys run out onto the field.

My eyes automatically find Wyatt.

"How are you doing?" Margret asks.

I turn around to see her. "Good."

She gives me a look like she doesn't believe me. "Katie Honey, Wyatt told me everything."

I wonder how much he told her.

"Oh," I say quietly.

She pats my leg. "I know it's none of my business, but the four weeks yall were 'together'."

The air quotes she put around together meant he did tell her everything.

"I got my Wyatt back. Since his dad died he's been closed up. When he met you it seemed like he got his light back."

Margret smiles at me. "I wanted to say thank you. You brought light back into Wyatt's life."

I smile back. "He brought light into mine as well."

Margret smirks. "For what it's worth, it didn't look very fake to me."

I laugh and she smiles the same smile Wyatt has.

"You got this Wyatt!" Margret yells.

Margret doesn't say anything else about me and Wyatt for the rest of the game.

When half time comes I film Izzy's dance to Holding Out for a Hero covered by Adam Lambert.

There is one minute left on the clock and we are down by one touchdown.

Wyatt has been playing horribly the entire time. I never stood up because I was scared if he saw me in his jersey it would throw him off his game.

At this point, I don't think he can get any worse.

I stand up with Margret and we both cheer.

Wyatt comes out of their huddle and his eyes find mine.

Something flashes across his face, but before I can tell what he looks away.

The ball is snapped to him and Ryan runs down the field.

Wyatt doesn't have enough time to wait for Ryan, so he makes a run for it. He dives over a guy from the other team and makes the touchdown.

The crowd goes wild and the team rushes out onto the field.

I lose sight of the field because everyone gets up to leave. There are so many people I lose Margret as well.

Something about rain clouds scares the crap out of people. You would have thought it was a tornado warning.

Drops of rain hit my head, I look up, and the sky's black.

Finally, I make it to the school to wait for Tyler and Izzy.

At this point, the rain has picked up to a heavy mist.

"Kat!" Tyler yells.

I see him and Izzy running huddled under a sweatshirt Tyler is holding in the air.

"Have you seen Wyatt?" I yell.

"Yeah, he was going to his car," Izzy yells over the rain.

"Why?" Tyler yells.

I grin. "I'm getting my man back."

Izzy smiles so big it has to hurt. "Finally."

I take off running.

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