Chapter 13: Wish me luck

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Another cover design!
Thought it fit this chapter. 🥰

After Wyatt dropped me off I run inside and changed clothes.

I go back outside and leap into my truck. I had thirty minutes till my riding lesson and I did not want to be late.

"Hey, Katie, I almost thought you weren't going to come."

"I know Stacy caught me after my class and made me late," I tell Izzy as I get Ripley ready.

"Are you sure, or were you having too much fun with Wyatt?" Izzy says in a mischievous voice.

I gasp and throw a chunk of hair at her. Which makes her laugh even harder.

"Izzy, you know I don't see him that way."

She puts her helmet on and walks her horse Remi to the mounting block. "You say that now, but it might change."

I barely finish getting Ripley tacked up in time for my lesson.

After we warm up our instructor (her name is Stef) has us come to the middle so she can tell us what we're doing.

Izzy walks Remi over to me. "Yay, we're jumping." She sarcastically pumps her fist in the air.

Stef sees Izzy and asks, "Do you have a question, Izzy?"

I try to cover up my laugh with a cough because Izzy blushes beet red. "Oh no, I was just stretching."

We do a few warm-up jumps then because there are four people in our lesson, we do the course one at a time.

After the first two girls go it's Izzy's turn. "Wish me luck."

"Good luck!"

Izzy turns around and glares at me. "Wish it, not yell it!"

I mouth, "You got this."

Her horse Remi can be hard to ride sometimes. Her father bought him for her after her last horse had to be put to sleep.  And well, let's just say he got scammed.

He thought he was buying an amazing show jumper but in reality, Remi had no training.

The first day Izzy rode him she fell off twice. Her dad was going to sell him, but Izzy fell in love with Remi.

It took a lot of convincing from Izzy and me to get her dad to let her keep Remi.

Over the last eight months, Izzy's been training Remi and she's done a really good job. Unfortunately, Remi still has his bad days.

Izzy walks Remi back over two me. "Katie, that was so bad!" She has her head in her hands.

"Iz, it wasn't that bad," I say reassuringly.

She glares at me. "Seriously Katie, I knocked over every jump but one."

She wasn't wrong about that.

"Well-" I start to say, but Stef yells it's my turn.

I go over the course three times and it's going pretty well till I hear Stef yell, "Give him his head." (Which in horsey terms means, stop pulling on the horse's mouth)

"Katie, do you know what you did wrong?" Stef asks once I finish.

"I should have gone for the longer stride instead of making him wait," I say out of breath.

Stef sighs and shakes her head. "No Katie, you need to trust him more. Look, you're both to the point in your training where you don't need to hold his hand anymore. Ripley knows what he's doing because you trained him right, so now it's time you trust him."

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