Chapter 66: Our undying love

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"Are you still cold?" I ask quietly.

Katie snuggles closer to me. "No. Quit worrying, I'm fine."

I sigh. "Sorry Baby, but I'm going to worry. It was forty degrees outside and you got soaking wet."

Izzy pauses the Tv and gives up a dead look.

"Sorry, Iz." We both say quickly.

We're all sitting in Katie's basement watching Stranger Things.

Katie couldn't believe I only watched the first two seasons and never finished the last two.

After we confessed our undying love for each other, (Tyler's words not mine) we came to Katie's house.

I used the excuse that Katie could get hypothermia if we didn't share a blanket.

If I'm being honest, I just wanted to cuddle with her.

Now that she's my REAL girlfriend I will be able to cuddle her whenever I want.

Which will be a lot, I'm pretty sure physical touch is my love language.

"Might as well leave it unpaused they're not watching it," Ava complains from the ground.

Ava and Derek are snuggling on the floor and Tyler and Izzy are on the other side of the couch Katie and I are on.

"We are too!" Katie whines.

Tyler gives her a blank look. "Really?"

Katie blushes. "Fine, we weren't."

Derek scoffs. "That much was obvious."

"I'm just going to put this out there before y'all get super serious. When we are together there must be at least three inches of space apart." Tyler says.

Katie's eyes narrow as she sits up. "Hold up, that rule applies to everyone, correct."

Tyler grins. "No, just you two."

Katie crosses her arms and I stifle a laugh at her pissed-off look. "For three years I've had to watch you and Izzy; now it's payback time."

Tyler sits up, matching Katie's pissed-off look.
"This is totally different, I don't want to watch YOU kiss and be all lovey-dovey with some guy. No offense Wyatt."

I smile. "None taken."

Katie turns around to look at me and then back at Tyler. "It's because I'm a girl isn't it."

"It so is!" Ava gasps and Izzy laughs.

Tyler shakes his head annoyed and Derek rolls his eyes.

Izzy pats Tyler's arm. "Cut them some slack, it's new love. Do you remember how it was for us?"

Tyler sighs. "Yeah, I guess."

"It better stay PG. Like the kisses better be appropriate enough for hallmark." Derek yells.

Katie grins. "What if it doesn't?"

Derek matches her grin. "Then I'll make a little phone call to a certain place saying your dating a minor."

My eyebrows scrunch. "Dude, I'm eighteen."

Tyler's eyes widened. "Wait, seriously?"

I laugh and Katie relaxes against me. "Yes, I turned eighteen last month."

"So, that means we are all adults," Izzy says.

"Yeah, well, Ava's old enough to buy beer." Tyler chirps.

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