Chapter 60: Ugly cry

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I wake up on Monday morning with swollen eyes and a puffy face.

Logan looks at me and jumps onto me to lick my face.

I giggle and push him away. I check my clock and notice it's 8:30.

"Crap! I'm so late for school." I leap out of bed but as soon as reach the bathroom I remember something.

Today is a teacher's work day, I don't have school.

At least I didn't have to go to school today and see Wyatt. I can lay in bed and watch movies while stuffing my face with ice cream.

I take a shower and go downstairs to eat breakfast.

My dad left a note saying he wouldn't be home till late. He doesn't know about the breakup.
Hopefully, I won't have to tell him.

"Hey Gracie, how are you doing?" Derek asks.


"Any fun plans?" Derek asks with milk dripping down his chin.

"Nope, just a lot of wallowing in self-pity."

"Well, I only have one class today so if you need a partner I am always available," Derek says smiling.

I pat his shoulder as I walk out. "Thanks, but I'm okay."

I want to watch my comfort movies so I start with Twilight New Moon. (My favorite Twilight movie.)

Mostly because it was more about Jacob than Edward.

As the credits roll the door to my room opens.

Izzy walks in holding a bad while sporting a frown.

When she sees the Tv she grins. "Good, I didn't miss anything."

I throw a pillow at her. "How dare you mock Jacob!"

She plops down on my insanely huge bed. "I brought ice cream."

My face lights up. "Please tell me you brought Ben & Jerry's tonight dough!"

Izzy chucks the pint and a spoon at me. "Obviously."

She moves beside me and starts the next movie on my list.

Top gun.

"I tried to text you," Izzy says with Ice cream in her mouth.

"Oh, I haven't looked at my phone today."

Izzy nods her head in understanding.

I know I have tons of texts from Wyatt. I didn't want to see them.

Izzy doesn't say a word the entire movie. She even cries with me at certain parts.

That's right no spoilers here.

Once the credits roll I pause the TV. "Hey, what are you doing?" Izzy whines.

"Ask it." I snap.

"Ask what?" Izzy says with fake confusion.

"About Wyatt," I exclaim while pushing her.

"How do you feel?" Izzy asks after her giggling fit.

"Like crap. Like I'm the most pathetic person on the planet." I say not meeting her eyes.

Izzy puts her arm around me. "Awe Sweetie, you're not pathetic. You just fell for the wrong guy."

She places her chin on top of my head. "It's not your fault."

The dam I have been building all morning breaks and the tears fall.

I ugly cry into Izzy's shoulder.

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