Chapter 49: An act of God Right there

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"What's wrong?" Wyatt asks.

I give him a tired look. "What do you think is wrong?"

Wyatt rolls his eyes as he opens his door.

"Pop the hood," Wyatt yells.

I pop the hood and Wyatt leans over the front of my truck.

"I know what's wrong with it but I'll need some tools to fix it," Wyatt tells me.

I smile at Wyatt. "Thanks, but you don't have to help me."

"Shut up, I'm helping you," Wyatt snaps as he slams the hood.

"Give me like ten minutes. I'll walk home to get my tools."

I give Wyatt a grin. "I have an idea on how to get my truck home so we don't have to walk."

"Oh yeah?"

"I'll put the truck in neutral and you can push it to get it rolling. It should roll all the way home since it's mainly downhill."

Wyatt looks at me like I'm crazy.

I pat his shoulder. "It'll work. Tyler and I have done it before."

"Just not this far," I add under my breath.

I hop in the truck and slam the door shut. I slide my back mirror open and give Wyatt a thumbs up.

I see Wyatt in the rearview mirror pushing against the truck, but it's not moving. He stops and stands up straight.

"Katie baby, take your foot off the freaking brake!" Wyatt yells frustrated.

"It's not!" I argue.

"The brakes lights are on!" Wyatt yells with his hands up.

I look down suddenly heat floods my face and creeps down my neck.

I take my foot off the brake; saying nothing to Wyatt.

I see him smirk and go back to pushing the truck.

The truck slowly starts rolling down the road. Once it gains speed I hear Wyatt jump into the bed.

You probably think I'm flying down the road like a bat out of hell. But in reality, I'm barely going ten miles an hour.

My house comes into view. "We're not going to make it into your driveway," Wyatt yells.

"Yes, we are," I snap.

"Kate, your house is on an incline we're not going to make it," Wyatt argues.

I slam the back mirror shut. I don't need a backseat driver.

My truck creeps up my driveway and rolls to a stop then I put it in park.

"That was an act of God right there," Wyatt says amazed.

"Come on, my dads got tools you can borrow," I say over my shoulder to Wyatt.

I help him carry the tools back to my truck after digging through my dad's garage for said tools.

Why is it so hard for men to keep their things organized?

Wyatt starts tinkering with my truck. I run inside to get something to drink.

I take a glass and fill it with water. My eyes glance to the window facing my driveway.
Suddenly I suck water down my windpipe making me choke.

Wyatt has taken his shirt off.

The sun is beating off his tanned skin with sweat drops rolling down his back.

He bends over to grab another tool, causing his brown hair to fall into his eyes. He runs a hand through it to push it off his face.

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