Chapter 63: A heart-to-heart

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The one person I didn't expect to see on my doorstep was Stacy Hemmings.

"What do you want, Stacy?" I ask with a dead look.

"Can I talk to you?" Stacy asks.

To be honest she looks like death warmed over. She is wearing sweatpants and an oversized shirt. Her eyes are puffy and her hair is in a messy ponytail.

I cross my arms. "About what?"

She scoffs, but it wasn't a mean one like usual, it was more out of embarrassment. "A lot of stuff."

I give a her blank look and she sighs. "Can I come in?"

"Please." She adds whispering.

"Yeah," I sigh.

This will be interesting.

She follows me into my kitchen and sits down on a bar stool. I lean against the other side of the counter to face her.

Stacy starts picking at her nails with a terrified look.

"I don't have all day," I say annoyed.

"Right sorry. I came here to say I'm sorry for being such a bitch towards you."

I feel my eyebrows raise.

That was unexpected.

"After the video came out I realized how right you were. I've been an awful person." Stacy's eyes travel slowly to mine.

I smile softly. "Yeah, a mega bitch."

Stacy nods her head. "That's an understatement."

She takes a deep breath. "I also wanted to talk to you about Wyatt."

I take a sharp breath.

Stacy shakes her head. "Katie, please let me explain."

I motion for her to continue.

"I always had a thing for Wyatt. When he kissed me at that party a few months ago I thought he liked me back."

She lowers her head. "He didn't. But unlike a normal person, I didn't back off. As soon as school started I followed him around like a lost puppy."

I smile and Stacy smiles back.

"When I heard y'all were dating I was so jealous that I devised a stupid plan to hopefully break you up."

I shake my head in silent laughter.

"I know pathetic."

Stacy giggles. "Anyway, I knew If I tried anything with Wyatt you wouldn't believe it, so I made a deal with Sophie."

The smile falls off Stacy's face. "I knew she had a thing for Wyatt like most girls at school.
I told her if she helped me I would make sure she would make cheer captain next year."

"Do you remember when we all went to the movies?" Stacy asks.

I give Stacy a 'seriously' look.

"Sorry, stupid question."

"I saw you and Wyatt together and realized I couldn't break you up. I realized Wyatt would never look at me the way he looks at you."

Stacy takes another deep breath. "I called it off with Sophie, but she didn't want to. She threatened to tell everyone a secret about me that no one should know."

I wanted to ask what secret, but I knew it wasn't my place.

" I had to go along with the plan. At the party Sunday I spiked Wyatt's drink knowing he's a lightweight. Sophie made her move on him and he immediately pushed her away."

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