Chapter 15: Aren't you dressed up

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After school, I headed to Walmart to pick up a few things for dinner.

I just finished putting the groceries away when I get a text from Izzy.

Babe: Just fed Rip.

Me: Thank you! You are the best!

I asked her to feed Ripley for me so I would have time to get dinner ready before 5:00.

Babe: I know but thanks for telling me. 💅

After I cook the meat for spaghetti, I go upstairs and take a shower.

I blow dry my hair straight then at the last minute I decide to lightly curl it. Surprisingly it doesn't look half bad when I finish.

Izzy would be so proud of me. Since I never do anything to my hair, like ever, her words not mine.

Twenty minutes later I finally pick out what I'm going to wear. I settle on a jean skirt and a navy blue shirt that ties in the front.

I come downstairs to finish cooking when I see Tyler sitting in the living room.

"Ty, what the hell are you doing here?" I ask bitterly.

He just smiles, immune to my wrath. "Well, aren't you dressed up?"

Derek chimes in, "Wow, Gracie you look like a girl."

I roll my eyes. "What is wrong with what I'm wearing?"

They both hold up their hands. "Nothing is wrong, it's just weird seeing you wear something that's not jeans," Tyler quickly says.

"What, I wear more clothes than just jeans!" They both dramatically roll their eyes and look at me like I'm a child.

Derek says, "Really? When was the last time you wore a dress or a skirt?"

I start to respond but he interrupts me, "I'm not talking about to church, Gracie."

I stand there for a moment and honestly, I couldn't think of the last time I didn't wear jeans or shorts.

I sigh. "I don't have time for this." I walk into the kitchen and start setting the table.

I hear the front door shut. "Well, doesn't it smell good in here!" My dad must be home.

I hear Tyler stand up. "Hey Mr.Fleming, mind if I stay for dinner?" I hear them shake hands as if Tyler didn't basically live here.

I don't understand men.

"For the last time Ty, call me Mike and yes please stay."

"Hey, sweetie I know your cooking so I won't bother you for too long, I just wanted to say hi."

I am indeed in the middle of boiling pasta noodles, so I give him a side hug. "Hey, Dad you're going to go get ready right?"

My dad laughs. "Yes, yes I'm going. You sound just like your mother." I feel my face soften after he says that.

Before he walks out of the kitchen he turns and says, "By the way, you look very nice." I just wave him out.

Once the noodles are done I strain the water out of them and pour them into a pot so I can place it on the table.

"You call this spaghetti?" I glance over my left shoulder and see Tyler standing beside the table.

"This is pasta and meat sauce," Tyler exclaims.

I set the bowl down with a little more force than necessary. "Look Gordon Ramsay, I forgot spaghetti noodles at the store, so I worked with what I had, alright," I snap.

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