Two More Days

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Evelyn came back in the morning, holding a plate of food. — well, it the same down there. No morning nor night.

Caroline had falling asleep. She dropped the food on the table, stared at Caroline for few minutes then took one of the syringe and injected her again.

Caroline gasp awake to meet Evelyn smiling back at her like a serial killer.

Evelyn knew what she was doing by letting her opened her eyes to see her face.

Her plan was to mess with Caroline's mind: when she leave that place, she will never want to close her eyes again; knowing Evelyn face might be what she will see when she opened them. Evelyn had used the technique before on some sweet poor witness that was not cooperating, and it worked perfectly.

"Raise and shine beautiful." Caroline was still gasping for air. Her heart was about to bust inside her chest.

"Your hair is beautiful, and I hate it." She said mean and brought out a scissors and handed it over to Caroline. "Cut it off. I want to see your skull." She commanded as she nod in take it gesture.

"No please." Caroline pleaded.

"Oh Common, don't be stingy now. You've been sharing my husband with me for seven years and spending my family money. Giving me your hair is a little you can do." She glaced at the chair slightly and back to Caroline. "I'm going to sit over there and free your legs chain a little, so you will be more comfortable."
   Evelyn said holding her gaze, searching through her eyes. "Oh, and let me warn you. If you try anything stupid, like... You know, try to kill yourself." Evelyn glanced at the syringe and the small bottle lined in the leather bag displayed on the table right next to her chair. "You see those?" She smiled wickedly. "They're pretty things aren't they?

Some of them can stop a man's heart, another can pump a heart back to life 30 seconds after it stopped. So, if you do anything stupid, like stabbing yourself." She tilted her head to the side. "All I have to do is to bandage you to stop the bleeding and pump your heart back to life. And we will start from where we stop." Caroline breath shuttered in fear.
"I called them 'breath of life' you know, like the one Cara has in Legend of the Seeker.
      Don't mind me, I love movies. But... it will be better not to go through all of that, don't you think?
   But by all means, please feel free to call off my bluff."

She wasn't bluffing. And Caroline knew that.

She collected the scissors, looked at Evelyn and back to the scissors. She was really tempted to stab herself with it. But she knew Evelyn was not bluffing... She will only add salt to her injury, and knowing Evelyn will not give her any pain killer — She took a deep breath and began to cut the hair.

"Good girl!" Evelyn eyes was cold and dry.

After Caroline finished cutting off her hair. She dropped the scissors and looked at Evelyn. "What else do you want?"

Evelyn smiled wickedly, "Music to my ears." She crossed her legs, rested her back, then bite her lower lip. "When having sex with my husband, do you always come? "

"What?" Voice trembling. "What kind of sick que —"

"Answer the damn simple question." she commanded in harsh tone.

Caroline clapped her eyes shut, and whispered. "Yes..."

"Sorry I can't hear you."

She raised her voice a little. "Yes!"

"Mmm! That good, because I want to hear how you moan."

"What?" She whispers.

"For my husband to stick with you for seven years. You must be doing something I don't do. So I want to hear you moan, just the way you used to with my husband."

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