Most Wanted

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Evelyn placed her hand on the tablet, she breathed in and out slowly.

'What could it be?' she thought within herself.

"What is she doing?" Carl said panicked.

"Eve, you only have one short at this, if you're wrong... Jeremy will get a notification and we will lose everything." Joanna whispers.

' Jeremy forgets complicated things easily, and am certain he won't use his birthday.

It has to be something very important to him because this money is his escape plan to start a new life.

His plan was to destroy me, and he's been planning this from the very beginning... So what from his old life can't he forget?'

Her mouth parted as she opened her eyes... Jessica! She breathed out in a whisper.

She typed * 'J E S S I C A' *

The tablet displayed a green correct mark, — Password accepted.

Evelyn smiled softly and whispered to Carl, "Coming in now!"

"Excuse me?" Amanda responded.

"Oh," rubbing her hand on her belly, "It's the baby, she's kicking, she does that whenever she's hungry.
     I told her Food is coming in."

Transfer complete.

Evelyn stood up, "Well," stretching her hand for a handshake, "it nice doing business with you." She carried her bag and walked out of Amanda's office.

After entering her car, "Carl?"

With a shaky voice, Carl responded, "Evelyn..."

    What going on? Does it fail? The password was accepted, am sure of it. The transfer was completed before I stood up...."

"Eve come down. We received the money..."

"So what the problem... I don't like how you sound Carl!"

" Eve, it's 30 trillion US dollars!" Joanna added.

"Wh.. What," her voice breaks. "I don't understand, what are you talking about?"

"Eve, listen. Ben is right behind you, just come back here immediately.
      I have access to Jeremy's phone, he won't receive the alert."

"I have to stop by the office first. I will come right after. " She started the car engine and drove.


Immediately the elevator opened to Carl's computer room and Evelyn stepped out with Ben, Joe, and Owen, she said as she walked toward Carl and Joanna.

"I don't understand the figure, I can't count the zeros..." 

"It was not one account Eve," Joanna said on the floor, overwhelmed by the amount of money they had just received.

"I don't understand, how could Jeremy get that kind of money? This is not possible?"

"I think I know how?" Carl said.
     He told Caroline he's closing up some deal. I believe this is the deal. — Come read this."

Joanna got up from the floor and moved to the screen with the rest of the team, standing next to Evelyn.

"In the last 48 hours, 3 companies had gone bankrupt from a different location:
'Fix and Trade; New York, Fast Gas; Taxes, Green automobile; Chicago..."

"Are you saying all these companies are connected to this money?" Evelyn asked.

"It's their money," Carl replied,
    They can't trace where the money goes now, but I believe soon Jeremy will release it.

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